Saturday, December 28, 2019

Carnivorous Plants

Carnivorous plants are plants that capture, kill, and digest animal organisms. Like all plants, carnivorous plants are capable of photosynthesis. Since they usually live in areas where the soil quality is poor, they must supplement their diet with nutrients gained from digesting animals. Like other flowering plants, carnivorous plants use tricks to entice insects. These plants have developed specialized leaves that work to lure and then trap unsuspecting insects. Key Takeaways Carnivorous plants are plants that have the ability to eat animal organisms. These highly specialized plants are able to both lure and trap insects.The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is the most well known of the carnivorous plants. They live in wet areas such as bogs and swamps.Sundews are covered in tentacles. Their tentacles make a sticky dew-like substance that attracts insects.Bladderworts are plants that dont have roots and are often found in aquatic areas and in areas with wet soil. They capture insects via a trapdoor.Other examples of carnivorous plants include tropical pitcher plants and North American pitcher plants. There are several genera of carnivorous plants and hundreds of carnivorous plant species. Here are some of my favorite genera of carnivorous plants: Flytraps - Dionaea muscipula Dionaea muscipula, also known as the Venus flytrap, is probably the most well known of the carnivorous plants. Insects are lured into the mouth-like leaves by nectar. Once an insect enters the trap it touches tiny hairs on the leaves. This sends impulses through the plant triggering the leaves to close. Glands located in the leaves release enzymes that digest the prey and the nutrients are absorbed by the leaves. Flies, ants, and other bugs are not the only animals that the flytrap may snare. Frogs and other small vertebrates may sometimes become trapped by the plant as well. Venus flytraps live in wet, nutrient-poor environments, such as bogs, wet savannas, and swamps. Sundews - Drosera Sundew feeding on a green lacewing. Reinhard Dirscherl/WaterFrame/Getty Images Plus Species of plants from the genus Drosera are called Sundews. These plants live in wet biomes, including marshes, bogs, and swamps. Sundews are covered with tentacles that produce a sticky dew-like substance that glitters in the sunlight. Insects and other small creatures are attracted to the dew and become stuck when they land on the leaves. The tentacles then close around the insects and digestive enzymes break down the prey. Sundews typically capture flies, mosquitoes, moths, and spiders. Tropical Pitchers - Nepenthes Plant species from the genus Nepenthes are known as Tropical Pitcher plants or Monkey Cups. These plants are typically found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. The leaves of pitcher plants are brightly colored and shaped like pitchers. Insects are lured to the plant by the bright colors and nectar. The inside walls of the leaves are covered with waxy scales that make them very slippery. Insects may slip and fall to the bottom of the pitcher where the plant secretes digestive fluids. Large pitcher plants have been known to trap small frogs, snakes, and even birds. North American Pitchers - Sarracenia Species from the genus Sarracenia are called North American Pitcher plants. These plants inhabit grassy marshes, swamps, and other wetlands. The leaves of Sarracenia plants are also shaped like pitchers. Insects are lured to the plant by nectar and may slip from the edge of the leaves and fall to the bottom of the pitcher. In some species, the insects die when they drown in water that has accumulated at the bottom of the pitcher. They are then digested by enzymes that are released into the water. Bladderworts - Utricularia Utricularia australis (bladderwort). Paul Starosta/Corbis Documentary/Getty Images Plus Species of Utricularia are known as Bladderworts. The name comes from the tiny sacs, which resemble bladders, that are located on the stems and leaves. Bladderworts are rootless plants found in aquatic areas and in wet soil. These plants have a trapdoor mechanism for capturing prey. The sacs have a small membrane cover that acts as a door. Their oval shape creates a vacuum that sucks in tiny insects when they trigger hairs that are located around the door. Digestive enzymes are then released inside the sacs to digest the prey. Bladderworts consume aquatic invertebrates, water fleas, insect larvae, and even small fish. More About Carnivorous Plants For more information about carnivorous plants, take a look at the Carnivorous Plant Database and The Carnivorous Plant FAQ. Sources Reece, Jane B., and Neil A. Campbell. Campbell Biology. Benjamin Cummings, 2011.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Materialism Origins And Implications For Personal Well...

Materialism explains the extent to which an individual is preoccupied with purchasing and showing off physical possessions that are mostly non essential. Pieters examines the interrelationships between loneliness and three subtypes of materialism: acquisition centrality (where possessions enable hedonic pleasure seeking), possession-defined success (where possessions are a status symbol), and acquisition as the pursuit of happiness (where possessions are a material means to improving happiness). The study finds an inverse relationship between the latter two subtypes of materialism and loneliness, though the effect of loneliness on three subtypes was greater than was the effect of these on loneliness over time. Despite this seeking possessions for material possessions decreased loneliness and was unaffected by it. The study (Materialism: Origins and implications for personal well-being by Aaron Ahuvia, University of Michigan and Nancy Wong, University of Michigan) confirms the generally established negative relationships between life satisfaction and materialism. Research in future needs to investigate more closely the nature of this relationship between the two. Particularly we need to know if materialism causes unhappiness and if does then how. The current research does in this direction gives us some hints. Evidences from the Matval scale shows that those people who place the utmost value on material possessions are the least satisfied with this area in their life. ThisShow MoreRelatedMeasuring Consumers’ Luxury Value Perception: a Cross-Cultural Framework13193 Words   |  53 Pageswho may wish to measure the dimensions of individual luxury perception as a general basis for marketing strategies to improve purchase value for different segments of consumers that span the globe. The m odel illustrates that individual and social as well as financial and functional dimensions significantly impact the consumer‘s luxury value perception and consumption on an international level. As luxury is a subjective and multidimensional construct, a definition of the luxury concept should followRead MoreA Review and a Conceptual Framework of Prestige-Seeking Consumer Behavior9366 Words   |  38 Pagesarticle should be addressed to Professor Lester W. Johnson, Monash Mt. Eliza Business School, Monash University, PO Box 2224, Caulfield Jct., Victoria 3161, Australia. The authors thank the editor Morris B. Holbrook for his helpful suggestions, as well as three anonymous JCMR reviewers for their useful comments, on earlier versions of the manuscript. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This paper discusses the existing consumer knowledge dealing with aspects of prestige, and based on this literature, develops a

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Christian Worldview and Multiculturalism Essay Example For Students

Christian Worldview and Multiculturalism Essay The Christian Worldview and Multiculralism Racial reconciliation should be a top priority for every Christian, of any race or cultural background. But will this demand for a multicultural center of learning produce a less prejudiced society? Multiculturalists insist on greater sensitivity towards, and increased inclusion of, racial minorities and women in society. Christians should endorse both of these goals. But many advocating multiculturalism go beyond these demands for sensitivity and inclusion; here is where Christians must be careful. One of the difficulties of accepting multiculturalists is that defining a multicultural society, or institution seems to be determined by ones perspective. A commonly held view suggests that being multicultural involves tolerance towards racial and ethnic minorities, mainly in the areas of dress, language, food, religious beliefs, and other cultural manifestations. An influential group calling itself NAME, or the National Association for Multicultural Education, includes in its philosophy statement the following: ;Xenophobia, discrimination, racism, classism, sexism, and homophobia are societal phenomena that are inconsistent with the principles of a democracy and lead to the counterproductive reasoning that differences are deficiencies.;(name). NAME is a powerful organization composed of educators from around the country, and it has considerable influence on how schools approach the issue of diversity on campus. The fundamental question that the folks at NAME need to answer is, ;Is it always counterproductive to reason that some differences might be deficiencies?;(name). In other words, isnt it possible that some of the characteristic s of specific culture groups are dangerous or morally unsound? It is not uncommon for advocates of multiculturalism like NAME to begin with the assumption that truth is culturally based. It is argued that a groups language dictates what ideas about God, human nature, and morality are permissible. While Americans may define reality using ideas from its Greek, Roman, Asian or African cultures see the world differently based on their traditions. Multiculturalists conclude that since multiple descriptions of reality exist, no one view can be true in any ultimate sense. Furthermore, since truth is a function of language, and all language is created by humans, all truth is created by humans. This view of truth and language has a spokesperson in Dr. Richard Rorty, humanities professor at the University of Virginia, who argues that truth that transcends culture is not available because ;where there are no sentences there is no truth, and sentences and their respective languages are human creations. ; (name). Next, if all truth is created by humans, it is all equally true. Cultural ideas or institutions, like human sacrifice or welfare systems, are equally valid if they are useful for a given group of people. In other words, we live in a universe that is blind to moral choices. We are the final judges of how we shall live. As Christians, we believe that ideas do have consequences. While being careful not to promote one set of cultural rules over others simply because we are comfortable with them, we acknowledge that Scripture reveals to us the character and nature of God, humankind, and our need for a savior. These truths can be communicated cross-culturally in a sensitive way, regardless of the people-group involved. If we didnt believe this to be true in a universal sense, then Christianity cant be true in any real way. In other words, in order to be what it claims to be, Christianity must transcend culture in a way that many multiculturalists argue cannot occur. In recent years, America has been attracting over one million immigrants annually. This has resulted in a country that is religiously, racially, and linguistically more diverse. Conflict arises, however, over the question of how our nations institutions should respond to this diversity. Until recently, it was argued that America was a melting pot society, that regardless of an immigrants origin, given a generation or two, his family would be assimilated into American culture. Multiculturalists have challenged both the reality and advisability of this view. Multiculturalists brand our culture as white, Western, male, Christian, middle-class and heterosexual. They declare that our schools have forced on students a curriculum that promotes only that perspective. The books they read, the ideas they consider, the moral and ethical standards they are taught, explicitly or implicitly, .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Social Male Behaviors On Sundays Essay Example For Students

Social Male Behaviors On Sundays Essay There are many misconceptions about Sundays and its effect on people. Im here to clear it up from the males perspective, and to show women how to deal with these behaviors. Many women believe that Sunday is a sacred day, a time to be together with the one you love most and go to church . This is true, but Sunday is also the time for sports, testosterone driven activities, and for males to hang out with the other males. Sundays seems to bring out a primal instinct inside us men that lays dormant through out the week. These instincts are brought out by the excitement of sports and the surrounding. So here are some insights into our behaviors, eating habits, and our rituals to let you understand us better during these times. One of the main rituals on Sundays is gathering of us male species at various places to be with others like us. One of the places the male species often go to are called bars. These places are like heaven to the male specie. I myself have had first hand experiences with these places. Last Sunday I decided to go to a local bar call Hooters with some of my buddies to observe these ritual behaviors for myself. Upon entering the bar, I knew that it was truly a place for us males to hang out. The walls were filled with sport memorabilia, and on all twelve television sets where either football games or other sport related things. Another thing that made it a true guys hang out were the good food and the waitresses. All of the waitresses were all shaped nicely, wearing provocative clothing which made them truly candy for the eyes. Another one of these places that we male species like to socialize is their own dwellings or anothers. When the male specie hang out they dont like to do it alone , and so others males would join in on the fun. There are also requirements in order for the visiting males to be included in this ritual; they must present a Gift of Flavor upon the visit. Although we male species will consume almost anything that might be digestible on most days, Sundays on the other hand we male species will follow a strict diet. The diet states that, only food products that contain either great amount of salt, cheese, meat, or sugar may be consumed. Also that each serving of these foods must contain no less than 2 grams of fat, otherwise the food is considered sacrileges. Also the most essential part of these rituals are alcoholic beverages, because it seems that alcohol brings out theses primal instincts even more, therefore bonding them even better. In very few cases, sometimes the opposite sex has been known to attend these strictly male rituals. The female species who attend these rituals are there to present a more heterosexual atmosphere to the gathering. So please dont try to invite yourself, if we want you to come we will invite you. At these places males are very loud and obnoxious High fives, hand shakes and group chants are a common sight at these places. But there is a mutual respect among us on Sundays; we dont do things that will upset other males, at least not on purpose. No one goes out to these gatherings to look for trouble, because all males believe that Sundays are a time for peace. Sometimes fights do break out between males, but these incidents are very few. Those who break this unwritten code are banned from such rituals for how ever long it is requiredOther strange behaviors that Sundays tend to bring out in the male species are the overwhelming urge to fix everything he owns. This urge can be both helpful and harmful depending on the subject. Helpful because things males own will get fix, but harmful because this urge also come out in males that doesnt have a clue on how to fix anything. This urge emerges because of the male species need to feel needed and masculine. Males believe that in order t o truly be a man he must be able to do thing that the opposite can not do, mainly fix things and hard labor. This behavior is often accompanied by alcohol as well; it also has the purpose of letting the male species concentrate and have fun. So just let us fix our things even if it doesnt need to be fixed, it would help our self-esteem. .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 , .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 .postImageUrl , .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 , .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894:hover , .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894:visited , .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894:active { border:0!important; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894:active , .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894 .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2d2c6388336d397975b38f19b7538894:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Baseball Vs. Football EssayBut some males of the specie can get the total opposite sex of this behavior, and is often referred to as sloth. This behavior often causes late sleeping, for that day the male species are able to slumber for hours beyond his usual time of waking up. But this chronic sleep always seems to be canceled by the males inner clock when he senses the pre-game show is about to start. It doesnt stop there. Even though they have awakened for their slumber, we are still in a trance like state of mind. The ones that go through this trance have been know to sit or lay motionless for hours watching nothing but sports and pointless infomercials on television. W e only move when it is an extremely necessary situations, like in a life or death situation, call of nature, lack of nourishment, or commercials. But dont think that when we are moving that we will do anything else except for the extreme situations. But also, do not mistake our inactivity for unawareness. Even though it seems like our minds seem like they are blanked we can sense all that is around us the entire time. We just dont want to talk to you. So just let it be. Some males are not like this at all. They retain their sanity through out the entire week, because they have a disorder that is often referred to as P.W syndrome. You can spot these males easily; theyre often seen at local malls on Sundays accompanying the opposite sex during their shopping. Another tells tale sign of P.W Syndrome is the answering of every womans commands with yes followed bye a stupid pet name. If you have a man like this, you can do better. There are no definite set times when all these primal instincts will go away but there are time frames when these behaviors will start to decrease. People have noticed that they start to decrease after the last post game show on television had ended and football too is gone for the day. But some scientists believe that availability of alcohol plays a major part in the decrease, because the party is over when the drinks are gone. The only way that you can make it easier on you during these times is to just go with the flow. Be lazy too or fix things, by doing this you will notice that the time will fly by. Or you can pick up our hobbies, like football, drinking beer and hot wings. Because if we see that youre cool we will invite you to our gatherings. But if think that doing these are not for you, you can just stay the hell away from us. Go to your parents house, girl friends, or siblings and do your feminine activities. We wont interfere with your rituals. But please understand its not our fault, we dont do this because we want to, it just that it is part of being a man. And I hope in reading this you have learned and understand more about the men in your life. And that its up to you to decide how it will affect you.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Process of Forming a Team

A team is a group of individuals that has come together for a common purpose. A team is the basis of any institution. One organization may have several teams drawn from its departments. There are several phases that a team goes through on its way to success. They include formation, storming, conflict resolution, performing and transforming.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Process of Forming a Team specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Before a team is formed the team members should first seek to familiarize themselves with the objective of their organization. At this level members rely on their leader on what to do and what not to. The leader should be prepared to answer questions concerning the team’s objective. This is important because an organization has several departments and the team members have specific duties assigned to them. Regardless of their duties, members must put their differences aside an d focus on achieving organizational goals. Team members should take some time to learn how to cope with their fellow members without interfering with the processes of their organization. This will help to avoid cases of sabotage from within the organization hence bring positive results. Teams are termed as X-teams if they are externally oriented and thus flexible in formation (Ancona Bresman, 2007). The next thing is to select a leader of the team. The team leader should ensure his or her team members are devoted to meet the organizational goals. The leader should find out whether the members of his team value what they do for the organization and whether they are willing to go an extra mile for the purpose of achieving organization’s mission. There exists conflict of interest after the team has been formed. This could be due to the differences with regard to recognition and pay. Divisions may arise due to struggle for leadership. Some team members may not be comfortable wit h their leader due to their individual differences with him. Members need to focus on the goals of their team instead of arguing over small issues because when members are in conflict they can never speak in one voice. For instance, in politics, there are normally several political parties contesting for the same position.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Success here will favor the party with limited struggle for power. Failure may arise where each member feels he or she is capable of becoming a leader and this will shift the focus of that political party. Teams need to be explore their needs, exploit the organization’s requirements, and export ideas to other teams. Successful teams ensure flexibility in exploration, exploitation, and exportation Thus, team members should agree on a common ground and accept their leader for what he is supposed to be doing rather than what he fails to do. Team members should respect him and usually consult him before making major decisions. Minor decisions should made by individuals even in the absence of the leader. The team should meet regularly to discuss the strategies that they can use to achieve organizational goals. The divisions are merged for the purpose of success (Ancona Bresman, 2007). After realizing the team’s potential, members should engage in performing their required task. Performing is referred by many as the beginning of the end. Here, the team’s bond is very strong and each team member knows what to do. If there are any changes to be made, the team sits down together and makes amendments appropriately. The desire for top results is very high and team members are quick to solve any differences that arise. Owing to their common goal, they feel like they are one family and each member is keen to observe what is happening to his fellow team mate. The leader of the team is required to provide guidance where necessary. Interacting with the environment enables an X-team to respond to the changing environment thus innovation. In other cases, when the team achieves its objectives, it is dissolved. This is common in project teams. At this stage, team members are very happy for their contributions towards the team’s success. This is because they know the success of the organization will bring about a positive impact to their lives and career. The team is there fore dismantled and members go back to their respective duties. Initially they fear to do things alone but as time moves they catch up with their former dutiesAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Process of Forming a Team specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are times when organizations have been failed by their teams. This is verified by the decline in an organization’s productivity. The leaders in this case are perceived to be incompetent. To such cases, team leaders should inform team members at the initial stage why they are in the team. This will help team members draw a line between team building actions and holidays. This is because most team building activities takes place in a different environment away from work. Therefore, Team members should wipe out their personal differences because divisions in a team are the major causes of failure. The team leader should explain to team members how crucial their unity is to the success of their mission and failure of the team means failure by all. Team leaders should set adaptive strategies with extreme execution and flexible phases, thus X-teams (Ancona Bresman, 2007). Reference Ancona, D. Bresman, H. (2007). X-teams: How to build teams that lead, innovate, and succeed. USA: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. This essay on The Process of Forming a Team was written and submitted by user Iman1 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

8 Ways to Help Students with Dyslexia Succeed

8 Ways to Help Students with Dyslexia Succeed Homework is an important part of the school learning experience. Guidelines for homework are 20 minutes for elementary age children, 60 minutes for middle school and 90 minutes for high school. It is not unusual for students with dyslexia to take 2 to 3 times that amount of time to get their homework completed each night. When this happens, any benefit a child might derive from the extra practice and review is negated by the frustration and exhaustion they feel. While accommodations are often used in school to help students with dyslexia complete their work, this is rarely done with homework. Teachers need to be aware that it is easy to overburden and overwhelm a child with dyslexia by expecting the same amount of homework to be completed in the same amount of time as the students without dyslexia.The following are suggestions to share with general education teachers when giving homework: Outline assignments Write the homework assignment on the board early in the day. Set aside a portion of the board that is free of other writing and use the same spot each day. This gives students plenty of time to copy the assignment into their notebook. Some teachers provide alternate ways for students to get homework assignments: A bulk email is sent to all students, or their parents, listing the homework assignmentAn online calendar lists homework assignmentsThe classroom telephone message is changed each morning to reflect the homework assignments. Students can call the classroom to get the assignmentStudents with dyslexia, ADHD or other learning differences are paired with another student who checks the students notebook to make sure the homework assignment was written correctlyForm a homework chain. Each student writes the name of two other students in the front of their notebook who they can call to ask questions about the assignment. If you must change a homework assignment because a lesson was not covered, give students plenty of time to amend their notebooks to reflect the change. Be sure each student understands the new assignment and knows what to do. Explain the reasons for the homework There are a few different purposes for homework: practice, review, previewing upcoming lessons and to expand knowledge of a subject. The most common reason for homework is to practice what has been taught in class but sometimes a teacher asks the class to read a chapter in a book so it can be discussed the following day or a student is expected to study and review for an upcoming test. When teachers explain not only what the homework assignment is but why it is being assigned, the student can more easily focus on the task. Use less homework more frequently Rather than assigning a large amount of homework once per week, assign a few problems each night. Students will retain more information and be better prepared to continue the lesson each day. Let students know how homework will be graded Will they receive a checkmark simply for completing the homework, will wrong answers be counted against them, will they receive corrections and feedback on written assignments? Students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities work better when they know what to expect. Allow students with dyslexia to use a computer This helps to compensate for spelling errors and illegible handwriting. Some teachers allow students to complete an assignment on the computer and then email it directly to the teacher, eliminating lost or forgotten homework assignments. Reduce the number of practice questions Is it imperative to complete every question to receive the benefits of practicing skills or can the homework be reduced to every other question or the first 10 questions? Individualize homework assignments to make sure a student gets enough practice but isnt overwhelmed and will not be spending hours each night working on homework. Remember: Dyslexic Students Work Hard Keep in mind that students with dyslexia work hard each day just to keep up with the class, sometimes working much harder than other students just to complete the same amount of work, leaving them mentally exhausted. Reducing homework gives them time to rest and rejuvenate and be ready for the next day at school. Set time limits for homework Let the students and their parents know that after a certain amount of time working on homework the student may stop. For example, for a young child, you may set 30 minutes for assignments. If a student works hard and only completes half of the assignment in that time, the parent may indicate the time spent on homework and initial the paper and allow the student to stop at that point. Specially-designed Instruction When all else fails, contact your students parents, schedule an IEP meeting and write new SDIs to support your students struggling with homework. Remind your general education partners to protect the confidentiality of students who need accommodations to homework. Learning disabled children may already have low self-esteem and feel as if they dont fit in with other students. Drawing attention to accommodations or modifications to homework assignments can further damage their self-esteem. Sources:Â   A Dyslexic Child in the Classroom, 2000, Patricia Hodge, Dyslexia.comEffects of Instruction in an Assignment Completion Strategy on the Homework Performance of Students with Learning Disabilities in General Education Classes, 2002, Charles A.Hughes, Kathly L.Ruhl, Teaching LD Newsletter,Volume 17, Issue 1

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business strategy - Essay Example This can be attributed to its marketing strategies which are mainly aimed at satisfaction of consumers. In the global business culture and environment, there exists a very wide range of competition. Competition mainly involves between organisations with related activities and producing related commodities. According to Grant (2005) another form of competition is the fight to gain financial superiority. In the matter of financial superiority and growth, all forms of organisations are ranked under the same scale. Under this evaluation, organisations and companies seek to gain a competitive advantage. Gaining competitive advantage in the global market is not an easy task. To gain competitive advantage globally requires an impression and satisfaction of the global consumer needs and wants (Porter, 2004). Over the years, the battle of competitive advantage has seen great improvements of produced goods. Additionally, innovation levels have also increased significantly. However, as much the re is a rise in the number of companies in the global market, there are companies which have established their brand in the market. Humans find it difficult replace their current commodity preferences if they are satisfied. This gives an advantage to companies which have stayed in the market for a long time. ... Additionally, strategic decisions also play a vital role in gaining the competitive advantage. The strategic decision making is aimed at putting the organisation in a long term competitive decision making. This involves a consideration of the all factors affecting the operations and activities of the organisation (Porter, 2004). According to Lynch (2009), factors should include both environmental factors: both internal and external factors. Internal factors comprise of adoption of new technology, human resource development and the advancement of the improvement of managerial activities. External factors comprise political, legal, technological and sociological factors. A consideration of all environmental factors is the best strategy in gaining a competitive advantage in the market. Most important of all is the evaluation of the company’s target market preferences. Preferences may include the change in taste, price, accessibility and technological preferences. With the consume rs being satisfied, the organisation may then focus on how to keep them satisfied (Grant, 2005). Taking Honda into perspective, it has covered its consumer’s needs and requirements. Honda Motor Company has established itself as one of the most successful business empires in the world. It is also an exhibit of a successful business competitive strategy. In an argument presented by Honda the Power of Dreams (2010), Honda has presented researchers and students with the best research tool. Many researchers and business students use Honda as they research option due to its development and success. The growth of the Honda Motor Company is attributed to the company’s urge to fulfil and satisfy the motor market wants and preferences.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discussion 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Discussion 5 - Essay Example Alternatively, a distribution channel could involve a manufacturer, a regulator, a controller before supplies reach the agency for distribution to dispensers. The intermediaries could exist in as single or multiple players between a manufacturer and the agency. Similarly, the agency could choose to include influencers in either of the channels that the different combinations define (Rees, 2011). I would prioritize the distribution channel based on ultimate cost to consumers and quality that consumers can derive from products. Using regulators such as the Food and Drug Administration would ensure quality while eliminating other intermediaries would minimize cost and prices. I would therefore prioritize the distribution channel that involve a manufacturer, a regulator, the agency, and dispensers that deliver commodities to the final consumers. Some channels are more important than others are and channels with regulators are because of guaranteed product quality (Rees, 2011). I would prioritize choices by balancing interest of both citizens and the agency through ensuring quality for the community’s welfare and minimizing intermediary costs for manageable profit margins (Rees, 2011). Many distribution channels exist for my preferred agency but I would prefer the channel with a manufacturer, a regulator, the agency, and dispensers. This would balance the agency’s economic interest and the community’s

Monday, November 18, 2019

Restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Restaurant - Essay Example World Famous restaurant does not do this. Believe it or not, they have a selection on their menu that is priced at $2.50 which is the Grilled Chicken Taco. Now, that is a third world pricing with a lousy quality of food and ambience but this is right the beach side of San Diego in the United States. The priciest that they have is Blackened Prime Rib Bits creamy horseradish  at $9.75. One might wonder how the restaurant can sustain itself with the price of their food or that the food may be lousy considering with the price. Surprisingly, the restaurant is modestly profitable. It is able to make money despite its low price due to continuous patronage. It never runs out of customer. So it makes money by scale. Its food is surprisingly good also at its price. Of course it is not 5 star quality but it could pass for a 3 star quality at a third world country price. Service and facility is also okay, ambiance is excellent. No wonder people line up just to get a seat in the restaurant and why it is World

Friday, November 15, 2019

Media Management Towards National Security Media Essay

Media Management Towards National Security Media Essay INTRODUCTION War is fought with the will of the government, competence of the armed forces and the support of the nation Carl Von Clausewitz 1. A nations military security comes from the strength of its armed forces and the media is considered to be the watchdog of nation itself. With adequate knowledge of each others vulnerabilities and strengths, media and military can immensely benefit from each other. The fear of the military is that the media in their exuberance and hurry to take the truth to the masses might jeopardise their future operations. The main concern of the military is that of information, which could jeopardise a military operation or endanger the lives of the troops who have to carry it out, should not be published. The very first in any operation is to prevent any information of value falling in to the hands of the adversary, who in turn could utilize the same to his advantage. On the other hand, the media does not wish to be seen working under the influence of the armed forces and wishes to be totally independent in its reporting. The media play a crucial role in projecting images and moulding percepti ons in the realm of foreign and defense policies. It is through media that information is gleaned, perceptions shaped and policies articulated on such issues. Media continues to be a thermometer/barometer/ mirror of the society. Public support and national morale are powerful force multipliers in themselves which is moulded by the media. The impact of media, especially the visual media, on military operations is becoming increasingly important. Real time visual presentation can rapidly influence adversary, public and therefore political opinion. Thus media has a great role to play towards security of a nation. CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY 1. Aim. To study analyse the role of media in war and internal crisis situations, media as a force multiplier for armed forces and their interoperability towards national security. 2. Statement of the Problem. This dissertation aims at an in-depth study of the role of media during war and towards growing internal security situations and the inter operability with the armed forces. 3. Justification of the study. As future military commanders why do we need to study role of media in todays context? The reason is that media plays an important role in the national security. It is the fourth estate which acts as a watchdog to the nation. The information generated by the media can influence the people of the nation and mould the perception of a nation. While being transparent the media may compromise on information leading to false sense of realism or jeopardise operations. Media being a strong pillar of the society can help towards the security of the nation simultaneously not compromising on its basic role of transparency. 4. Hypothesis. Sensible and responsible Media reporting will ensure media not infringing into national security. Media is a force multiplier for the armed forces during war, internal crisis and peace. Media invariably form a major player in the security situations and inter operability with armed forces which will ensure synergized effort towards national security. 5. Scope. Media is a vast subject and how it can relate towards the national security, this paper only gives a brief overview of the role of media in the internal crisis situation and the recent developments relating to the issue and how military and media can work towards the overall security situation. 6. Methods of Data Collection. The data for this dissertation has been collected from large number of magazines, books, periodicals journals which are available in the DSSC Library. In addition certain web sites related to the subject were accessed on the Internet. Lectures given by eminent speakers at DSSC have also been referred to. CHAPTER III (FINAL) MEDIA IN INDIA 1. Media in India has been established since long and their contribution to the society and nation as such is commendable. Media in India has evolved from humble news print to the modern cyber media. Before going on to discuss about the media management and using media as a tool towards military operations to ensure national security, let us examine the media in general in present day India. The issue of internet will be touched upon superficially as it is a vast subject in itself. Defence journalism Looking at the history of news coverage of the war and internal crisis situation, it is quite evident that the news from the area of operation has always interested the mankind. Media these days has now assumed a status which it had seldom enjoyed earlier. Starting as an institutionalized approach to generate awareness and inform masses, media has become an instrument to govern our lives. A close scrutiny and study of Mahabharata would expose to us the nuances of battle that went on between the two adversaries and till date it remains a great testimony to what the quality of battlefield reporting analyses was during the epic period in India. If we were to identify a war correspondent in correspondingly modern India, possibly William Howard Russells name could be the first one to be cited as he reported upon the first war of independence in India in 1857.The coverage of the war and internal crisis in present day scenario has taken an interesting turn with the near real time to live co verage of the events showing pictures from the crisis zone instantly. Media has been playing a vital link to the rest of India on the ongoing insurgency/militancy in Kashmir and North East. Media coverage took an upward surge almost nearing a deluge during the Kargil conflict. Twenty four into seven channels began churning the battlefield in a hunt for not only the latest stories but a series of stories eclipsing the previous one thereby arousing public interest and forming opinions. Never had there been so much support to the war effort in the recent history as was evident during the Kargil conflict. Why did it happen the way it did-did media play a role in it? Do we expect the media to be as supportive during future operations as it was during Kargil? Would the part of media that is controlled and financed by people from outside the country continue to play the ball the way it did during the Kargil conflict? Today, the images of war, for that matter peace, can decisively draw the contours of a nations public opinion even before the authorities can confirm or repudiate the authenticity. Therefore, it is all the more essential to critically analyse the role media can pl ay and how best can it be optimized without compromising any of its essential elements. Press council of India 1. Press Council is a mechanism for the pres to regulate itself. The raison detre of this unique institution is rooted in the concept that in a democratic society the press needs at once to be free and reasonable. If the press is to function effectively as the watchdog of public interest, it must have a secure freedom of expression, unfettered and unhindered by any authority, organised body or individuals. But, this claim to press freedom has legitimacy only if it is exercised with due sense of responsibility. The press must therefore scrupulously adhere to accepted norms of journalistic ethics and maintain high standard of professional conduct. Where the norms are breached and freedom is defiled by unprofessional conduct, a way must exist to check and control it. But, control by government or official authorities may prove destructive of this freedom. Therefore, the best way is to let peers of the profession, assisted by a few discerning layman to regulate it through a properly stru ctured representative impartial machinery. Hence, the Press Council. 2. The Press Council of India was first set up in the year 1966 by the Parliament on the recommendations of the First Press Commission with the objective of preserving the freedom of the press and of maintaining and improving the standards of press in India. The present Council functions under the Press Council Act 1978. It adjudicates the complaints against and by the press for violation of ethics and for violation of the freedom of the press respectively. The Press Council is headed by a chairman, who has by convention, been a retired judge of Supreme Court of India. The council consists of 28 other members of whom 20 represent the press and are nominated by the press organisation/news agencies recognised and notified by the Council as all India bodies of categories such as editors, working journalists and owners and managers of newspaper, five members are nominated from the two houses of the Parliament and represent cultural, literary and legal fields as nominees of Sahitya Academ y, University Grant Commission and Bar Council of India. The members serve on the Council for a term of three years. The Council was last reconstituted on May 22, 2001. The Press Council of India has the following function:- To help the newspaper to maintain their independence. (ii) Medium of Media Role of Media 2. Role of media is that of mediation between the government and the people of the nation. Due to its responsibilities, media is the fourth pillar of the democratic India. After 63 years of achieving independence and quest towards becoming number one power of the world by 2020 through economic growth, the role of media is somewhat uncertain and putting a question mark on the Indian journalism. Before moving ahead we need to ask ourselves and think as to is Indian media playing the role for what it has been known that is the fourth pillar of the state? If not then what role media should play? The obvious answer to this question is that the media should be fair, reliable, impartial, accurate analysis/reporting and work in an integrated manner towards the overall benefit of the people of the nation. As far as news is concerned, media should analyse the news in a very rigid manner, how it has happened and what is the very existence of the news to go to the root cause of the problem inste ad of being biased to any facts and figures available of hand or floated by anybody. But the fact remains very often rather going deep into any problem, journalists are blindly accepting the news as truth which is being formulated and carefully manipulated by the evil elements and disseminate the same publicly. Well, the entire community of journalist s cannot be placed under suspicious category for the inappropriate reporting or misdeeds of few journalists. 3. Medias basic role is to inform, influence, entertain and help develop economy of state which involves news evaluation, analysis and assessment and finally dissemination. Newspapers have a dual role; it is a quasi public institution and a free enterprise and same holds good for the electronic media also. However when the media overlooks its responsibility to the people of a nation and lays more emphasis on being free enterprise that is the problem starts. Another problem is what news is worthy and what is not, and most important is what news need not be published or broadcasted is decided by whom? The journalist is neither to be considered as a detective nor a historian but as mediator in conveying its readers all about the event. Major General Winant Sidle of the US Army says, The appropriate media role in relation to the government has been summarised aptly as being neither a lap dog nor an attack dog but, rather, a watch dog. Apart from acquisition, interpretation and disseminat ion of news, role of media can be summarised as; to create public opinion and attitudes, act as watch-dog for citizens in terms of human rights issues and abuses by institution of power, inform public with events that are balanced and finally maintain national morale by responsible news coverage. The Constitution of India and Press Freedom 4. The Constitution of India, specifically in the chapter on Fundamental Rights, surprisingly, does not mention freedom of press. Later on, Dr. Ambedkar however had mentioned that being part of the guarantees of Freedom of Speech and Expression in Article 19 (1) (a) of the constitution it was not necessary to stipulate the freedom of press separately. Freedom of expression as mentioned in the Constitution implies all forms of opinions, thoughts, ideas and conviction and thus covers most of what is needed for the freedom of press. Censorship is no way covered in any provisions of the Indian constitutions. However during an emergency under the Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights including Freedom of Expression and Speech stands suspended. The Article 19 (2) of the Constitution of India states that the freedom of the press can be restricted for reasons of sovereignty and integrity of India, preserving democracy and the security of the state, besides some other contingencies. 5. Freedom of the media in actual facts is tempered by hard ground realities such as power and influence of the ownership on editorial policies, commercial orientation of the media, government control over key resources such as newsprint, communications and advertisements. Very often media misuses the freedom given to it and it is evident from a number of issues. Media these days are more engaged in dramatization of an event or news rather than reflecting the informative part. More often, unnecessarily intruding into private lives/personal matters of the people and especially focussing on the distress victims and their families. Media has been in highlight for being involved in corrupt practices and favouring the publishers, political parties, business houses, religious institutions to name a few. Biased publishing, journalist and editor block some news while highlighting others for the reasons of there own. There have been instances where media play up regional emotions leading to s trong appeal and wide spread commotion. During reportage of war or any operations related to internal crisis situation, many a times media has show immaturity and is irresponsible in its reporting by sensationalizing and escalating the conflict. Police, politician and corporate can still be considered for double standards, but how can we expect the same standards from our journalist community. When one pillar collapses, the whole building is likely to fall down. Media being the fourth pillar need to be strong enough in breaking the ice and put forward news and make the truth distinct from ambiguous or falsehood which will entail death of social evil and the people of the nation and the state itself will live in peace. This is the responsibility than needs to be understood and taken up by the Indian journalism. Now, how they are going to shape, direct and lead the new generation of India towards to a peaceful nation as a whole is matter of time and the self awakening. Media ethics 6. Media both print and more so the electronic media plays an important catalyst in shaping the public opinions, sentiments and dogmas by promulgating accurate and desirable information and knowledge. Due to the vast intrusion of television news in public life, it has the power and can create an enduring impact on society, culture and security of a region. These days media is generally facing a qualitative crisis pertaining to the news disseminated by it and it seems as the news channels in India have their respective doctrine charted out presenting anything as news which leads to an departure from the ethical issues of journalism. They have metamorphosed themselves towards packaging of information and have adopted a policy of corporate culture wherein their basic motto has transformed from disseminating information to earning television rating points. With numerous news channels being beamed to our houses the thirst for the actual news by the public is not met due to lack of content , quality and authenticity which have deteriorated over a period of time. Electronic media in India has been irresponsible in presenting news and sensitizing crucial events without understanding and realising the impact and implications on the people and security of the nation. Investigative journalism is the in thing now where in the channels has become a self proclaimed investigating agency which to some extent is instrumental in bringing out the truth but slowly the channels are being used as a means of personal vendetta or gains by insiders as well as outsiders. 7. Media used to be known as the voice of common people and a medium to grab knowledge of the world. Media had over a period of time had built some ethics which was appreciated but with the rapid development, mushrooming of news agencies and requirement of growth it is loosing its credibility. Print media compared to electronic media was known for its accuracy and its ethics and with passage of time everything has become part of marketing and news turned into commodity. The so called free media talks the language of the agencies they are benefited from. The ethics which is being talked about is what should be written or shown and what shouldnt be. The overall aim should to add to society, nation building for a better tomorrow. Contrary to this, media coverage includes matters which are of no use to the citizen but surely for their own mileage. News is supposed to connect the world and not a soap opera in which media ethics, duties and purpose is lost. Reach of mass media 8. It is important for a country like ours to know the capabilities of available mass media facilities, readership, listener ship and viewer ship habits of the people to gauge the reach of media. But do we know when it comes to the reach of various mass media individually and in combination among the diverse population in the country. There many question which arises like how many in the country are exposed to or read newspaper, view television, listen to radio, surf internet, etc? Which one of the available media and how frequently? How many and who all read more than one newspaper, which one and where in India? During what period of the day and how frequently do the people watch TV and listen to radio? What is the duplication/overlap of programmes between different media and many more intricate questions like such will determine the influence the media will create in the people of a nation and gauge its reach. 9. In the year 2006, National Readership was carried out in India which is considered the largest survey of its kind in the world, with samples from 2,84,373 house interviews to measure the media penetration and exposure in both urban and rural India and obviously the readership of publications. According to the survey, today average urban adult is spending 44 minutes per day reading magazines and dailies. Readership of dailies continue to grow as compared to the previous year however there is a decline in magazine readership both in urban and rural India. Satellite television has grown in leaps and bound and has a considerable reach: TV now reaches 112 million Indian homes. Internet has also spread predominantly with a reach now exceeding 12 millions. Resurgence of radio cannot be ignored as its reach has increased to 27% of the population tuning in to any radio station in the average week, almost equaling the number of readers. This boom in media reach and penetration will play a v ital role towards national perception and national security as such. Media Ownership and control in India 10. In February 1995 in a landmark judgement, Supreme Court of India ruled that the airwaves are public property and no longer under government control. In 1996 a Broadcasting bill was formulated and an autonomous Broadcasting Authority was vested with regulatory powers. The ministry of information and broadcasting in June 1998 allowed private Indian satellite channels to uplink from India. With the media being liberalised entry of foreign media was eminent, now the question which comes to mind is; do foreign media impact the policy decisions, a tool of cultural imperialism, western business and foreign policy interest in turn hampering national security. The positive side may be in favours of foreign media on the ground of plurality, competition and readers right to know. Their influence will mould the perception of the population as they wield through their agenda. 11. It is very interesting to know as to who controls the various media entity in India and obviously it will stem out from the ownership. A very popular news channel NDTV, is funded by gospels of charity in Spain which supports communism. CEO of this company is Prannoy Roy who is related to Prakash karat, the General Secretary of communist party of India. CNN-IBN is funded by Southern Baptist Church with its branches all over the world with its HQ in US. Times Group which includes Times of India, Mid-Day, Nav Bharat Times, Stardust, Femina, Times Now (TV news channel) and many more is owned by Benet and Coleman. Star TV is managed by an Australian, who is supported by St. Peters Pontifical Church, Melbourne. Birla Group owned Hindustan Times have changed hands which is presently owned by Shobhana Bharatiya and working in collaboration with the Times Group. English daily, The Hindu started over 125 years has been taken over by Josua Society, Berne, Switzerland. The Indian express in which ACTS Christian Ministries have a major stake. There are many other regional news print who are privately owned by Indians which have more reach and impact in the rural, semi-urban and to some extent urban population. Regional TV network like Enadu is controlled by Ramoji Rao who has connection in the film industry. 12. The ownership explains the control of media in India by external agencies be it foreigner or Indian. The news will be biased by their owners and the product that filters down to the common man will distort. The result is obvious; we are going to be fed with tailor made news by the companies who are holding the strings. Media responsibility 13. Freedom of press might have potential unintended effect while engaged in the internal crisis situation especially when considering modern media as a force multiplier. Many a times the media is in an awkward position when it is covering terrorist events. Medias role to protect the societys right to know comes in direct conflict with the states (military, law enforcement and investigating agencies) mission is to protect and serve, and maintain order when covering internal crisis situations. The precarious balancing act that the press faces while covering terrorist incidents is like having censorship on one side of the weigh scale and freedom on the other side. During internal crisis situations, press needs to be always vigilant about balancing their freedom relating protecting the peoples right to know against their responsibility to play a constructive role. The more the freedom and accuracy goes into reporting, the more the coverage favours the terrorists and vice versa. Issues f acing the governments and media outlets before, during and after a terrorist incident need to be closely examined by both the agencies towards dissemination of information which will strike a balance. The terrorist and governments agendas tend to dramatically oppose, while the media position is often judgment call. Media is a force multiplier stuck in between complete censorship and total freedom of the press. It is important that the media continues to play a constructive role during times of local and national crisis but it is also critical that the media be allowed to continue to provide a counterbalance. CHAPTER V MEDIA MANAGEMENT Embedded journalism 1. Before discussing embedded journalism it is important to expound upon the two categories of media reporters, embedded media and unilaterals currently present on the battlefield. Embedded media live with a military unit, only after undergoing training prerequisite to proceeding on to the area of action. The embeds are taught with the fundamentals of the armed forces and basic survival skills including donning of nuclear, biological and chemical protection suits and gas masks. On the other hand, unilaterals are those journalists who show up in the battle field without a military endorsement in order to get the so called real story and while doing some pay the ultimate price. Personnel who do not wield weapon on the battlefield are not assets but a liability. The seat which is occupied by the embedded media cannot be used by a trained soldier who can provide with firepower in the battlefield. The benefits some what outweighs the drawback or can be debated for a particular situation o r kind of operation. Since todays media is hi-tech and has the capability to transmit uncensored events as they occur across the globe real time, then it is prudent to integrate the medias involvement into the planning effort to accurately inform the public. Neglecting or delaying the medias integration into the planning process is liable to yield additional stories that produce a skeptical public. 2. A joint doctrine has been promulgated by the Indian armed forces to enhance war fighting capabilities one of which plans in co-opting media by creating a pool of embedded journalists. Select journalists who are trained in the environment and fit may be granted access to stay with armed forces units near the tactical headquarters where they would be able to move upfront having watched the action on screen. The promulgation of the joint doctrine by the armed forces will entail the document as standard text and form part of the training syllabus for all officers at all levels. The joint doctrine lays emphasis on increasing the situational ethics of the media person which means indoctrinating journalists to a level where they will appreciate the necessities and compulsions of a military action. The media plan in the joint doctrine burrows heavily from the US and its allies invasion of Iraq in the year 2003 where few media persons were trained and allowed to accompany military units. T his practice of attaching media with military gave rise to the phrase embedded journalism and the ethics of which is still being debated in the media circle. 3. Ground rules for any operation should intent to prevent publication of details that could jeopardise an operation or endanger the troops. Is there a possibility for military to review and censor articles emanating out of an operational theatre, well media is not likely to digest this fact. Reporters covering from the battle front via real time will transmit images which will be broadcasted to the whole world as the battle unfolds. This capability has the potential to affect tactical and operational plans of our adversaries as they will be witness to the same news. Social media management 4. A comprehensive strategy for using social media is the need of the hour to improve national security and the earlier it is adopted by the defence forces that much advantage it is going to pose for it. The use of social media can be broadly divided into four categories; firstly, the inward sharing which is sharing information within the department and agencies. Individual defence services need to share information intra-service as well as inter-service which will enable the defence forces with synergy in intelligence handling and operational orientation. Secondly, the outward sharing which is sharing information with external groups and other agencies. Thirdly, inbound sharing which is obtaining information and input from outside organisations and the public. Lastly, the outbound sharing in which information is shared with people outside the government including with the people of the nation and friendly foreign nations. Sharing of information avoids duplication of job like gatheri ng of information and analyzing the same. Well analysis can vary with department to department as to what is the requirement that needs to be gleaned out of the available data none the less, pre-analysed data from different agencies will enable in building the larger picture. CHAPTER VIII (FINAL) MEDIA AS FORCE MULTIPLIER 1. Today media needs to be used in a more pro-active manner to shape the operational scheme of a commander. This can be done by more integration and engagement of the media, public relations officer and the men in uniform into two way communication looking after each others needs at the same time. One very important aspect is the education of the staff and subordinate commanders at operational level to realise the need and advantage of engaging media towards military operations. 2. The fourth estate in this informational age gives commanders with vast opportunities to leverage towards own operations which should be exploited to the maximum. The media can be used as potent force multiplier in achieving the objective by boosting the morale of our own forces and people, as an agent of deception for the military, gathering valuable intelligence and enhancing better build up of situational awareness, sustained psychological operation and finally communicating the objective and end state to the international community. 3. Today the commander should know the fact that the thrust which comes from the people of the nation when any operation takes place is due to the instant relay of situation to the masses by the media. The military thus have an advantage in reaching to the people as fast as possible to generate and harness the support. Military being known for a respected institution and profession in the country, the image maintenance if not enhancing should be the prime concern of the commanders. During any conventional war or operation other than war, the credibility of military action is seldom questioned due to the trust, confidence and respect which the military enjoys. Commanders need to be proactive in engaging the press rather than being reactive and thus loosing the opportunity to use the media rather than being used by the media. 4. Inaccurate reporting and depiction of the operations will have a negative and devastating effect on the conduct of operation there on in terms of likely changed perception of our own people and international opinion. This in turn will effect the decision making cycle from tactical to strategic level. Apart from the people of the nation and high level decision makers, one very important factor which comes into picture is that of our own troops, who are exposed to the same news, be it at the air bases, ships, harbours, communication chains, rear areas, etc will have an impact on the psychi. This again is going to have a telling effect on the way the troops are going to fight subsequently. Commanders should to be concerned of the said fact in this information age to keep the morale of the troops high. In fact the operations where our forces have given a valiant fight should be projected to each and every possible people by the fastest means. Our soldiers are the best and to maintain the image of this potent force especially in this fast pace materialistic world, Commanders must take every opportunity to showcase our outstanding airmen, soldiers and sailors. Maximizing the fourth estate 5. Maximising and moulding the perception of the masses and adversary by the use of fourth estate and how the commander leverage the media to effectively achieve operational objective to his own advantage is what the commander should explore which obviously is the need of the hour. 6. Before employing the media, a brief review of the nature of the media would be required to better understand its potential. Media covering any military operation ranges from novice in the field to the seasoned veteran. Thus employment of media by the commander should be in a judicious manner like not allowing the media to wander in the battlefield at free will due to the wide spectrum of their work experience. At operational level coverage of media can be dived into three

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Free Essays - Language and Dialect in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Language and Dialect in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain's use of language and dialect in the book "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" helped him to bring about the overall feel that he conveyed throughout the book, allowing him to show Huck Finn's attitudes and beliefs concerning the nature of education, slavery, and family values. When the story begins, Huck is seen as a young boy who is not very educated nor wishes to be. He does not seem to care very much for the attention that is given to him by the Widow Douglas, who had taken him in for her son, and her sister, Miss Watson. Huck's moral values were not only the product of his ignorance, but there is relation seen between Huck's attitude and the attitude of his father when Huck is confronted by him. Huck's father is disgusted at the way that Huck seems to be becoming more and more civilized. He states "...they say you can read and write. You think you're better'n your father, now, don't you, because he can't?" Perhaps this statement shows disgust in Huck through not following the moral values of his father, or perhaps this is just merely jealousy on his father's part. Huck's father warns Huck about going to school any more, yet Huck goes anyway, showing great willpower in the character of Huck in that he was gaining an education that he never really wanted in the first place, but soon came to realize that it was something actually useful, and in the fact that he was disobeying his father's orders. Huck's feelings about slavery are shown when he helps Jim, Miss Watson's slave, to escape. Huck's constant statement that "Jim talks like he is white inside" shows that Huck was unique amongst the society in which he lived in the fact that he saw beneath the color of a person's skin and saw the person that was truly there. Jim seems to be the only person that Huck can trust other than Tom Saywer, Huck's best friend. Huck Finn felt that slavery was a cruel injustice because he had gotten to know Jim and found out that there was more to him than just being a slave. Huck had found that Jim was a human being just like himself.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Organizational Behavior and Management Essay

In viewing the Manager’s Hot Seat: Working in Teams: Cross-Functional, I was able to distinguish the difference between the words team and teamwork. Team refers to a small group of people with complementary skills, who work together to achieve a shared purpose and hold themselves mutually accountable for performance results ( Schermerhorm,2011). In this video, yes there was team that consisted of Rosa Denson, Cheng Jing, Simon Mahoney and Joe Tanney who plays the role of team leader for an assigned high priority project. Working in teams is essential in this age of rapidly changing technology, market-driven decision making, customer sophistication, and employee restlessness, as leaders and managers are faced with new challenges . Organizations must build new structures and master new skills in order to compete and survive. And in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness, a group effort is required as it reads in the article MindTools. In the video, the members work in the same organization but at different departmental levels with different knowledge and skills. How these people interact and relate to one another is a key factor in determining how successful the team will be at achieving its mission The group is made up of cross functional team members where there is input from people with a mixture of gender, race, age and ethnicity. It can be difficult managing a group like this because there are individual differences amongst each member. People vary among the layers of diversity: 1) personality, which is unique to every individual, 2) internal dimensions which is race and age, 3) external dimensions which includes religion and marital status and 4) organizational dimensions such as job title(McGraw Hill, 2007) These factors are likely to influence interpersonal relationships and the ability to work with others. Working together is part of many organizations that believe that by practicing teamwork skills can help produce better products and provide better services, faster and at a lower cost. However, there was no evidence of teamwork in this video. There was no defined process of people working together to accomplish a common goal, which is the definition of teamwork. Instead there was a group of knowledgeable people, who did not want responsibility and had no initiative for such project. In fact, Tuckman’s group development model should have been added to the agenda as a refresher course for all members. Schermerhorn defines Tuckman’s development model in stages. Stage 1 of the model is forming, and this was evident in the beginning of the meeting with the initial formation of the group discussing where tasks are understood by members and resources and information that delegated by the leader, in this case Joe. But it wasn’t long into the meeting where storming was evident. Individuals began to question and challenge the given task. Members disagree on the goal of the team and resist the given task. At this point personal to emotional excuses began to surface. I do not think I witnessed the rest of the stages, except the adjourning part. There was no norming stage where the team moves toward harmonious working practices where there is agreement. In fact, Joe the acting leader had to assign different tasks according to his perception of each one. And there was no performing stage displaying functional, interdependent roles that were focused on the performance of the group tasks among the members. In fact, group cohesiveness was not evident, with everyone having an agenda of their own, the interaction and motivation between them was very low. The cohesiveness that should have bonded the small group together and come up with solutions for the problem was not evident. The book states that in order for effective teams to thrive these factors need to be established and be in place: achieve and maintain high levels of task performance achieve and maintain high levels of member satisfaction and retain viability for the future (Schermerhorn, 2011) . With this said, the benefits of effective work teams within an organization are very considerable, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication on the part of management and team members to develop, implement and maintain effective work teams. I believe that the team in the video is not team, but rather a group of people discussing an organizations’ project based on the fact that there was no commitment to the task at hand. Every member in an organization has a task to do. These roles are the expected behaviors for a given position in an organization. Sometimes roles can disrupt group progress and weaken its cohesion. For example, Rosa demonstrated role conflict when she involved her personal life with her job. She was a self-confessor, disclosing personal feelings and issues. Simon was the opinion giver, expressing his own personal opinions as to why such project has not worked before without offering solutions. Simon can also be labeled a blocker. Joe was the initiator or contributor to the team. He would propose new ideas of getting the project completed by finding solutions to the problems the rest of the team members would come up with. The creation of teams has become a key strategy in many organizations. Team building is an essential element in supporting and improving the effectiveness of small groups and task forces and must be a key part of a total program of organizational change.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The eNotes Blog e-Readers Celebration orSacrilege

e-Readers Celebration orSacrilege Some of the hottest gifts this past Christmas were e-readers: Kindles, Nooks, iPhones, and iPads. The industry expected sales of e-texts to soar and they were not disappointed. In fact, the Association of American Publishers reports that sales took a mighty jump, up an estimated 115.8% in the month of January, and generated some $69.9 million in revenue. No other segment of the publishing industry (paperback, trade paper, hardbacks or audiobooks) saw an increase in sales. In fact, sales took a hit in all other sectors. Mass market paperback sales fell by 30.9%, trade paper dropped by 19.7%, and hardbacks by 11.3%. So are traditional books doomed to go the way of quill and parchment? Perhaps. One day. But there is still a lot of love out there for the real book. A very unscientific poll I recently conducted included comments from defenders of traditional texts, some grudging acknowledgment of the plus sides of e-readers, and a few out-and-out converts to new media. Here is a sampling of some of those comments. From My Cold, Dead Hands! Pffft to the e-Readers: Maybe I dont want to read the new version of Alice in Wonderland. I would prefer to read a second edition in old type, weathered pagesa book that took decades to get into my hands. I got a big Shakespeare book from 1864 and it feels great to read. Who cares what the file date is on an electronic file? Give me a real book. After all candles, incense, hot bath, and an e-reader? No. I like my books still. I want to feel the paper. I want to hold the book. Its a sensory experience. If the book makes me cry, I want my teardrop to darken the page and smear the ink. If someone had the book before me, I want to see   notes in the margins, the messages from mothers who gifted the books (before the giftee sold it to Half-Price Books). I, For One, Have Decided to Extend a Hand to Our Electronic Overlords: I have a KindleI use it for my junk food pleasure reads. Theres nothing like a book and I still have, buy, and read tons of them, but theres only so much space and so many bookshelves. The nice thing about the Kindle is the highlighting and notes featuresthe dictionary too, but its fun to reread a book and see what you said on a previous read (you can also save/print, etc., the notes). The free classics are a plus, but the versions are so so. Its also nice when you want instant gratificationlike junk foodyou want it NOW. :) I have a Kindle and I love it for the most part, but I still do read real books. Its really difficult to flip back and forth in the Kindle, which is my only complaint. For instance, Im reading The Joy Luck Club and I keep getting confused about the characters. Since Im reading a real book version, I can easily bookmark the page that lists the characters and also scan through the previous chapters to recall their individual stories. But since we are all book junkies here, the Kindle keeps the clutter down a bit. Ive Seen the Light! And Its the Soft, Sweet Glow of My e-Reader: I like being able to read a lot for very little dough. The savings √+. (The local news) did a story on my sons school and their e-books and the fact that all students are required to have laptops. The story was due to the fact that they had all classes from home during the icy weather. As for the e-books, the big advantage is that they come to life. They have links, animation, easy to navigate, easy to click on a word and it will take you to the glossary definition if it is a vocabulary word to be learned for the section and many other things e-books are quite a worthwhile technological advancement. I bought it to combat clutter crisis. Good to read long novels while standing on public transit. I read most of Wolf Hall on Toronto subways. Where do you stand? We would love to hear your own thoughts about e-readers. If youve bought one, do you like it? Why or why not? If you havent, do you plan to do so?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The Cultural Significance of the Novella

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The Cultural Significance of the Novella Robert Stevenson’s novella Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has long attracted the attention of many film-makers, painters, and writers. The idea that several personalities can co-exist in a human being can greatly appeal to many people who may want to explore it in their works. This is why many films, comic books, or novel contain a direct or indirect reference to this novella. Moreover, this literary work has often been parodied.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The Cultural Significance of the Novella specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper is aimed at discussing such a movie as Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde directed by David Price. The authors of this film do not focus on the moral duality of a person. Instead, they pay more attention to the idea that gender distinctions can often be artificially constructed (Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde). So, Stevenson’s work serves as a sta rting point for the movie, but the film-makers use it to express different ideas. First, it should be noted that the movie tells the story of a perfumer Richard Jack who is a descendent of Dr. Jekyll. The main protagonist takes interest in the work of his ancestor and studies his notes. However, to his amazement, the substance invented by Dr. Jekyll turns him into a woman who calls herself Helen (Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde). Later she starts a career where Richard works and wants to replace him as a perfumer (Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde). Certainly, this film relies on Stevenson’s novella, but the film-makers concentrate on how modern people perceive gender differences. In part, the film-makers want to explore some of the stereotypes popular in the modern society. For example, Richard Jacks wants to achieve success as the main perfumer of the company and become the owner of this business. Nevertheless, Helen’s intention to take over the company is perceived as vanity. So, the film-makers pay close attention to these stereotypes. Special attention should be paid to one of the scene at the beginning of the film. When, Richard concocts the substance created by his ancestor, he drinks it (Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde). The film-makers are able to portray his horror when he understands that his experiment leads to unexpected results (Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde). On the whole, it is possible to say that Stevenson’s work has been used in order to produce a comedic effect on the viewer. This scene completely contradicts the expectation of many people, but it is definitely worth attention, especially if a person wants to see how a literary work can inspire film-makers. Certainly, the readers of Stevenson’s novella may be slightly disappointed by this film because they certainly expect to see the conflict between the good and evil within an individual. Certainly, the film uses the plot of the novella; nevertheless, it serves as a framework to explore differ ent themes, especially popular views on the differences between two genders.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More So, this discussion shows that Stevenson’s novella is still of great interest to film-makers. Certainly, there are many works that are inspired by Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and these characters can even be used for comedic purposes. The film that has been discussed here shows that this literary work can lay the basis for a comedy that does not necessarily explore ethical concepts. Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde. Ex. Prod. Frank, Isaac. London: Savoy Pictures. 1995. DVD.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Genes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genes - Assignment Example This alteration can be in the form of addition of new pairs, deletion or inversion of a section of the strand. Mutation results to alteration of the stored information in a gene. DNA is a polymer made up of nucleotides. Each of the monomer nucleotides consists of a 5-carbon deoxyribose, a nitrogen base and a phosphate group. The nucleotides are two purines (adenine and guanine) and two pyrimidine (cytosine and thymine). They differ in their nitrogen base. The DNA molecule a pair of polynucleotide strands held together by weak thermodynamic forces that connect the nucleotides from each of the strands making up a pair. The forces connecting the strand between alternating pairs vary making the pair coil around each other forming a helical structure. 3. Define the concept of â€Å"Central Dogma† in biology, and the concepts of transcription, translation, codon, and the redundancy nature of codons in gene expression? Draw a diagram showing how gene works. (4 points) The central dogma in genetics states that the coded information in the DNA is transcripted and transcribed into transportable units in messenger RNA (mRNA) which then programs them for synthesis of specific proteins. The messenger RNA carries the coded information to the ribosomes where the information is downloaded (transcription), translated and divided into codons each having three of the four base pairs. Transfer RNA then obtains a reflection of this information in a new strand in which the base pairs arrange themselves to become a reflection of the messenger RNA strand. Guanine on the m RNA translate to cytosine on the transfer RNA, and vice versa, thiamine and adenine too translate in the same

Friday, November 1, 2019

Contemporary Management Asignment Three Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contemporary Management Asignment Three - Essay Example Jeff Bezoz’s strategy drove the company towards becoming the leading online marketing company with his main strategy being customer oriented, coupled with innovation that sought to improve their online shopping capabilities. The company initially sold books online and with the integration of its innovative approaches and strategy; the company has now expanded its boundaries to introduce new products like furniture, computer software, DVDs, CDs, apparel, toys, and other goods. The company offers a wide range of books and products that make it distinct from its main competitors. However, has had many twists and turns as with other online businesses. The company has gone through downfalls in debts, as well as loss of income, in its formative years, made its first profit in 2001. Since then, the company has gone from strength to strength and its digital channel management and web analytics have pushed it to the top of the industry. This paper seeks to do a review of Ama that has been one of the successful enterprises in the harnessing of retailing power over the internet platform, for a successful experience in retailing. Use of Digital Channels for Success Bookselling/Online Sales Retailing through the brick and mortar format is heavily reliant on physical space through which stores could display their products, as well as maintain a go down to store their inventory. This approach to traditional retailing portended greater costs because of maintenance of inventory, space for physical storage and rent, and maintenance of staff to man the requirements of the store (Chaudhury et al, 2011: p 101). Two decades ago, this would be the archetypal bookstore and anyone wishing to buy a book would have had to make a visit to the store physically to preview the book and then decide on whether to make a purchase. They could also decide to place a mail order, which could take time since the posting company would treat it the same way as a two-way mail d elivery (Chaudhury et al, 2011: p 101). This scenario has been transformed tremendously since e-commerce was developed, which has shifted the majority of retail activities to the online platform. E-commerce has birthed a revolution in the retail sector through its allowance of various retailing activities like actual transactions and marketing to be taken to digital platforms (Chaudhury et al, 2011: p 102). In the beginning, majority of companies developed single websites that they used to retail their various products. However, because of recent the recent advancements, these companies have begun to integrate different retail channels on offline and online channels. Consumers who are tech savvy who are hungry for information have discovered that online platforms are the best places to do their shopping activities since they allow for one stop shops, which have increased convenience and greater variety. Because of this, majority of retailers have begun to develop platforms for onlin e retail to create various multi-channels of distribution that can reach a more diverse base of clients (Chaudhury et al, 2011: p 104). This is, through combining channels of distribution in order for them, to reach more clients. Digital Channels The current evolution of data analytics, marketing, as well as extensive studies of research, have acted as forces behind the development of the various platforms for online retail and shopping. Data analytics enables collection over the online platfor

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


CASE MGT - 491 STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Essay Example This paper will discuss a new strategic human resource management plan for a middle size firm. The paper will discuss the new HR plan from the point of view of a Chief executive officer. The new plan will be aimed at ensuring the HRM department meets its strategic goals. The HRM will be expected to come up with minimum requirements for every position in the organization. The minimum requirements will be dictated by the roles and responsibilities for each role. This information will enable the HRM decide if the person in charge of a post is worth it. It will also be important during the hiring process since it will guide the hiring team on which candidate to choose. After coming up with the minimum requirements for each post, the HRM will develop a skills inventory which will gauge the worthiness of the current employees. The HRM department in close cooperation with the overall management will discuss the number of employees that the organization requires in each department. This will be guided by the trends in demand and supply as well as the current and future objectives of the organization. Once the number is determined, a hiring or firing plan will be established. Firing /retrenchment and hiring exercises will be based on department requirements and the qualifications of each employee/interviewee. Employee job satisfaction is important since it increases employee retention (Lawler & Boudreau, 2009). Factors such as technologies and organization cultures contribute in determining the level of employee job satisfaction. The company will invest in technologies proposed by the HRM. Moreover, the company will focus on creating a culture that values the employees. A culture of valuing employees increases productivity, invention and employee retention. All employees will be treated equally regardless of their diversities (Abang & Abang , 2009. The long-term goals of the organization will be used to determine the labor demands

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway Essay Example for Free

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway Essay 1. A Clean Well-Lighted Place 2. In the short story A Clean Well-Lighted Place written by Ernest Hemingway in 1933, there are three characters that are defined by light.   First there is the elderly gentleman who is a customer in the bar.   He regularly comes to the bar to get drunk while he sits in the shadows of the leaves of a tree.   This man has lived a long life and has known much pain.   In fact he has known enough pain that he has tried to commit suicide. The two waiters inside the cafe knew that the old man was a little drunk, and while he was a good client they knew that if he became too drunk he would leave without paying, so they kept watch on him. Last week he tried to commit suicide, one waiter said. (Hemingway)   He drinks to dull his pain of loss and pain.   The shadows are symbolic of all of his bead memories clumped together and the leaves that through tiny shadows to hide him are specific memories.   Even though he wraps himself in the darkness, he must be close to the light in order to survive.   The light, or goodness, gives him hope to carry on in a life that he cannot even successfully leave. The next character is the young waiter who must have the light.   He has not lived long, has a wife, and children.   Because his life seems to be exactly where it should be things are good and that is represented by the clean light of the bar.   Because of his youth, there has not been time for messes or losses.   He fears the shadows that shroud the elderly man because he sees them as foreshadows of his own life that he does not want to face. Hell stay all night, he said to his colleague. Im sleepy now. I never get into bed before three oclock. He should have killed himself last week. (Hemingway) The last is the older waiter.   This man has experienced enough life that he, like the elderly gentleman, prefers the dark.   He sees the light as only something to illuminate the defects in life.   The light is very bright and pleasant but the bar is unpolished, the waiter. said. (Hemingway)   This way feels that understands that he has more in common with the elderly man in the shadows, but he longs to be back in the light. I am of those who like to stay late at the cafe, the older waiter said. With all those who do not want to go to bed. With all those who need a light for the night. (Hemingway) 3. Hemingway uses A Clean Well-Lighted Place to ponder the meaning of life.   Life is lived and through the journey, individuals know the joy which leave them with a lack of understanding of others like the young waiter and the elderly man.   You should have killed yourself last week, he said to the deaf man. The old man motioned with his finger. (Hemingway) Only those who are satisfied with life should be around him.   Money is not what makes people happy. The elderly man has money, but still he tries unsuccessfully to committee suicide.   Hemingway was well into his career at this time and had plenty of money yet he was not happy.   He adds the quick glimpse of the girl and the soldier who brave the fear of getting caught for the sake of love or the physical part of love to show that there are things that are meaningful in life that are worth the risk.   Yet in the end people are left with their shadows of memories that are so painful that they either desire for nothing but to turn back to the light part of their lives or to desire to leave life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Godhead :: social issues

Godhead On May 20, 325 AD the world was forever changed. Emperor Constantine called a meeting of the 318 Bishops at Nicea and on that day they instituted one of the greatest flaws of American religion today. This is the doctrine of the Trinity, suggesting the view of the Oneness doctrine, believing on one God and His name being Jesus, is no longer correct. The Trinity doctrine cannot be proven by simply reading the scriptures; it has to be described and explained in detail, before you can begin to see the Trinitarian view. The Trinity doctrine is a doctrine of inference, not a doctrine of fact. If you ever listen or take part in a Oneness verses Trinity debate you will find that as long as they are quoting scriptures the Trinity looses ground. Hence, the doctrine of the Trinity must be â€Å"injected† into the scriptures to prove itself. One man once said â€Å"The Trinity has to be piped into Scripture before it can be piped out.† The best example is: everyone knows you can’t get milk from cotton. But, if you take the cotton and soak it in milk first then you can squeeze the milk from the cotton. In the same sense the Trinity doctrine is like this. Before you can begin to see the Trinity doctrine, someone has to tell you about it and then go to scripture to prove it as fact. By just reading the scriptures first, no one will ever find the Trinity represented, for the scriptures prove the Oneness of Jesus Christ all through the Bible. I do not understand how the doctrine of the Trinity can get around the unity of the Old Testament and New Testament stating the One God facts. Deuteronomy 6:4(NKJV) states: â€Å"Here, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:†. That sums up the doctrine of the Oneness. But, one instance will not satisfy. Here are just a few of the misconceptions of the Trinity Doctrine that cause it to be in fault: First: â€Å"Elohim† â€Å"Elohim†, meaning "God", is sometimes confused to show the plurality of the Godhead, this is not a correct interpretation. In the Hebrew words are plural in construction but singular in the way that they are used. Also the Hebrew often used plural forms to show majesty or greatness of one person or deity. Even though these are plural words, to say they represent a multiplicity in the Godhead would be wrong.