Friday, May 31, 2019
Taking a Chance in Hurstonââ¬â¢s Novels, Their Eyes Were Watching God and Seraph on the Suwanee :: Their Eyes Watching God Seraph Suwanee
Taking a Chance in Hurstons Novels, Their eye Were Watching God and Seraph on the Suwanee only right then, you name somethin and well do it. We kin give it uh short(p) mans trial anyhow.Anyhow Ah make got rested up and de bed bugs is done got too bold round heah. Ah didnt notice when mah rest wuz broke. Ahm goin out and look around and see whut we kin do. Ahll give anything uh common trial.pp. 168-69 Their Eyes Were Watching God Arvay woke up next morning with hope and determination. Nothing beats trial yet a failure, Arvay decided. She might not win Jim back, but she meant to give it a poor mans trial. That is the best that she could do. If she failed, it was not going to be because she never tried.p. 316 Seraph on the Suwanee The first passage shows no quality of weakness or unsureness there are only bold declarations of fact. Janie tells Tea Cake to name somethin and they would be capable of doing it (168). Tea Cake shares the same posture with Janie, telling her that he is re sted and that he is goin out too look around for something for them to do (168-9). The indecision lies not with the two of them but instead with the remote world. The use of active, present-tense verbs makes the passage vibrant and lifelike. It is clear to the reader from this passage that the couple is happy and confident in themselves they will give most anything a poor mans trial (168). They are not worried about their future, and the impression is that they kin do practically anything and still be happy (169).In the second passage, there is sureness tainted with uncertainty. Arvay has hope and determination to accomplish her goal, but she is unsure about its outcome (316). She thinks that she might not regain her berth with her husband (316). She is not positive that Jim will take her back. Because she is willing to give it a poor mans trial, the extent of her resolve is shown (316). However, her lack of reliance shows in the next sentence, where she admits that there is a po ssibility for failure. Arvay has resolved not to lose Jim because she never tried (316). While the sentences are active in this passage, the past tense tense lends them an air of resignedness and doubt.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Light-dark Metaphor in Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad Essay
Throughout his narrative in Joseph Conrads feel of Darkness, Charlie Marlow characterizes events, ideas, and locations that he encounters in terms of light or darkness. Embedded in Marlows accent is an ongoing metaphor equating light with knowledge and civility and darkness with mystery and savagery. When he begins his narrative, Marlow equates light and, therefore, civility, with reality, believing it to be a tangible typeface of mans natural state. Similarly, Marlow uses darkness to depict savagery as a vice having absconded with nature. But as he proceeds deeper into the heart of the African jungle and begins to take in savagery as a primitive form of civilization and, therefore, a reflection on his own reality, the metaphor shifts, until the narrator raises his head at the oddment of the novel to discover that the Thames seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness. The alteration of the light-dark metaphor corresponds with Marlows cognizance that the on ly reality, truth, or light about civilization is that it is, regardless of appearances, unreal, absurd, and shrouded in darkness. Marlow uses the contrast amidst darkness and light to underscore the schism between the seemingly disparate realms of civility and savagery, repeatedly associating light with knowledge and truth darkness with mystery and shoddy evil. When Marlow realizes that his aunts acquaintances had misrepresented him to the Chief of the Inner Station, Marlow states, Light dawned upon me, as if to explicitly associate light with knowledge or cognizance. It is significant then, that Marlow later associates light with civilization. He describes the knights-errant who went out from the Thames to conquer... ... October 2002. operable http// Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness, New York Dover, 1990. Hayes, Dorsha. Heart of Darkness An Aspect of the Shadow, Spring (1956) 43-47.. Levenson, Michael. The Value of Facts in the Heart of Darkness. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 40 (1985)351-80. McLynn, Frank. Hearts of Darkness The European exploration of Africa. New York Carol & Gey, 1992. Mellard, James. Myth and Archetype in Heart of Darkness, Tennessee Studies in Literature 13 (1968) 1-15. Rosmarin, Adena. Darkening the Reader Reader Response Criticism and Heart of Darkness. Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism. Ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins, 1989. Watt, Ian. Conrad in the Nineteenth Century. San Diego U. of California P, 1979. 168-200, 249-53.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Faith Healing: How Many More Children Will Die ? :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Faith Healing How M any(prenominal) More Children Will Die ?June 18, 1997-- Only six more days until my birthday Wow I cant believe Im going to be s crimsonteen finally eve though Im excited, I appetite I could start feeling better. Im not really too sick, but I still am a little scared. In my heart, I wish I could go see a doctor, but I know that I could never tell my mom and dad that. Even if they heard me say it, they still wouldnt listen to me, no matter how sick I was. I know Im supposed to look at faith that God will heal me, but right now Im so afraid. I cant die now. in that location is too much stuff I still want to do I have so galore(postnominal) hopes and dreams for my future...Shannon Nixon never lived to see her 17th birthday. On June 21, 1997, only three days before her birthday, Shannon went into a diabetic coma and died shortly after. In all her life, she had never been to a hospital, seen the inside of an ambulance or even visited her local doctors office. Even at birth, she was delivered without the aid of a doctor or nurse. Shannons parents refused to seek medical help for her or any of their other nine children. Her parents are members of the Faith Tabernacle Church, where all the members solely believe in the power of faith healing (Dowell).Faith healing is be by Webster as a method of treating diseases by prayer and exercise of faith in God. The members of the Faith Tabernacle church, as well as many other groups in the United States including the Christian Scientists and the pursual of Christ, believe that the right and power to heal is solely Gods. Like many fellow Pentecostals, the pursual believe the Bible prescribes prayer and the laying on of hands to cure physical ills. Unlike most, however, Followers reportedly refuse medical treatment-- for themselves or for their children (Biema). The Followers believe that any medicine or doctoral attention is putting faith in people instead of God. Whether its something as minor as a m ere finger cut, or as dangerously deadly as diabetes or leukemia, the family refuses to seek medical contact or attention. This belief has been somewhat since Biblical times. James 514 says, Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord (NIV).
Catcher In The Rye - Holden Caufield :: Catcher Rye Essays
Catcher In The Rye - Holden Caufield           Holden Caufield was a high school student at a boys honorary society by the name of Pency Prep.  He feels as though he had fought the world and lost, everyone is against him and that little can bring him joy.  He had lost his innocence, and saw himself as a catcher in the rye, trying to save children from his fate.         Holden is quite the eccentric individual.  I say this because of the incident with Sally Hayes where he proclaims his love for her and how they should move off together.  The reason this makes him an eccentric is, he hates her and in his own words Sally youre a pain in the ___  Holden Caufield has many bad qualities including one of his preferred pastimes getting rip-roaring drunk.  A good example of this is one of the many bar scenes when he gets quite drunk and asks the waiter to complement the singer.  This is a dispositio n of his drunkenness because the singer is awful or at least the thought so before he started drinking.  This is one among a plethora of bad habits the like smoking, cursing, and being extremely cynical (everyone is a phony).  Holden is by far not all bad, inside he is moral and generous.  There are very irradiate examples of these good qualities.  He had some moral sense because when bought the prostitute Sunny for a throw he could not go threw with it, so he paying(a) her anyway and sent her away from him.  Holden was charitable when he gave a considerably large donation of twenty dollars to the two nuns. This act uponion was nothing other than an act of pure kindness.         Holden Caufield has a foil or an opposite in the story, The Catcher in the Rye.  This person is his younger sister, Phoebe.  She has a positive outlook on life, speckle Holden hated it and thought he was doomed.  She was his ray of hope in life and she was the only thing that brought them true joy.  Phoebe was also the only person Holden knew who was not a phony about life and being happy (Sally Hayes).         Holden Caufeild seems to change and evolve throughout the book.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Exploring Schizophrenia Essay example -- Research Paper Mental Disorde
Exploring SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is a cruel disease. The lives of those stirred are oft chronicles of constricted experiences, muted emotions, missed opportunities, unfulfilled expectations. It leads to a twilight existence, a twentieth-century underground man...It is in fact the single biggest blemish on the face of coetaneous American medicine and affectionate services when the social history of our era is written, the plight of persons with schizophrenia will be recorded as having been a field scandal. E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., Surviving SchizophreniaI in person dont know anyone with schizophrenia, or at least I dont think I do. Perhaps I dont cognise that my neighbor is walking through life with a secret, like the homosexual who, afraid of societys unfounded prejudice, confusion, and doubts over issues not talked roughly, remains silent. For this reason, my interest in schizophrenia developed not because I have been affected by the disorder in a direct (or even indirect ) way, but precisely because I havent. I havent because mental disorders are not something discussed over coffee. In our society schizophrenia isnt everybodys problem, and so most are content not to think and consequently not to do anything about it. My concern with schizophrenia stem from the unknown thus it was fitting that my search to discover facts about it steadily uncovered more old areas. What are the causes of schizophrenia? No one knows for certain. The symptoms? They vary. What about treatments? They too have varied throughout history and current treatment differs from case to case. Faced with the defeat of unanswered queries, I began to wonder why I chose this topic. However, that is the nature of scienc... ... Longman Publishers USA, 1997. Keefe, Richard & Philip Harvey. Understanding Schizophrenia. New York The Free Press, 1994. Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB, Westergaard T, et al. Effects of family history and place and season of birth on the risk of schizophrenia. N ew England daybook of Medicine 340 (1999) 603-8. OBrien, Patrick. The disordered Mind. New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978. Rund, Bjorn Rishovd. How do neuroleptics affect cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia? Nordic Journal of psychopathology 53.2 (1999) 121-125. Stephenson, Joan. Schizophrenia researchers striving for early detection and intervention. Journal of the American Medical Association 281.20 (05/26/99) 1877. Swartzendruber, Phil. Mainstreaming the marginalized. Printed in The Record (April 2, 1998). http// Exploring Schizophrenia Essay causa -- Research Paper Mental DisordeExploring SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is a cruel disease. The lives of those affected are often chronicles of constricted experiences, muted emotions, missed opportunities, unfulfilled expectations. It leads to a twilight existence, a twentieth-century underground man...It is in fact the single biggest blemish on the face of contemporary American medicine and social services when the social history of our era is written, the plight of persons with schizophrenia will be recorded as having been a national scandal. E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., Surviving SchizophreniaI personally dont know anyone with schizophrenia, or at least I dont think I do. Perhaps I dont realize that my neighbor is walking through life with a secret, like the homosexual who, afraid of societys unfounded prejudice, confusion, and doubts over issues not talked about, remains silent. For this reason, my interest in schizophrenia developed not because I have been affected by the disorder in a direct (or even indirect) way, but precisely because I havent. I havent because mental disorders are not something discussed over coffee. In our society schizophrenia isnt everybodys problem, and so most are content not to think and consequently not to do anything about it. My concern with schizophrenia stemmed from the unknown thus it was fitting that my search to discover facts about it steadily uncovered more gray areas. What are the causes of schizophrenia? No one knows for certain. The symptoms? They vary. What about treatments? They too have varied throughout history and current treatment differs from case to case. Faced with the frustration of unanswered queries, I began to wonder why I chose this topic. However, that is the nature of scienc... ... Longman Publishers USA, 1997. Keefe, Richard & Philip Harvey. Understanding Schizophrenia. New York The Free Press, 1994. Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB, Westergaard T, et al. Effects of family history and place and season of birth on the risk of schizophrenia. New England Journal of Medicine 340 (1999) 603-8. OBrien, Patrick. The Disordered Mind. New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978. Rund, Bjorn Rishovd. How do neuroleptics affect cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia? Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 53.2 (1999) 121-125. Stephenson, Joan. Schizophrenia researchers striving for e arly detection and intervention. Journal of the American Medical Association 281.20 (05/26/99) 1877. Swartzendruber, Phil. Mainstreaming the marginalized. Printed in The Record (April 2, 1998). http//
Exploring Schizophrenia Essay example -- Research Paper Mental Disorde
Exploring SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is a barbarous disease. The lives of those affected are often chronicles of constricted experiences, muted emotions, missed opportunities, unfulfilled expectations. It leads to a twilight existence, a twentieth-century underground man...It is in fact the single biggest spy on the face of contemporary American medicine and social services when the social history of our eon is written, the plight of persons with schizophrenic disorder will be enter as having been a national scandal. E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., Surviving SchizophreniaI personally dont know anyone with dementia praecox, or at least I dont think I do. Perhaps I dont realize that my neighbor is walking through life with a secret, like the transsexual(prenominal) who, afraid of societys unfounded prejudice, confusion, and doubts over issues non talked about, cadaver silent. For this reason, my interest in schizophrenia developed not because I fork over been affected by the trouble oneself in a direct (or even indirect) way, plainly precisely because I havent. I havent because mental disorders are not something discussed over coffee. In our society schizophrenia isnt everybodys problem, and so most are content not to think and consequently not to do anything about it. My concern with schizophrenia stemmed from the unknown so it was fitting that my search to discover facts about it steadily uncovered more gray areas. What are the causes of schizophrenia? No one knows for certain. The symptoms? They vary. What about handlings? They too have varied throughout history and current treatment differs from case to case. Faced with the frustration of unanswered queries, I began to wonder why I chose this topic. However, that is the nature of scienc... ... Longman Publishers USA, 1997. Keefe, Richard & Philip Harvey. apprehensiveness Schizophrenia. New York The Free Press, 1994. Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB, Westergaard T, et al. Effects of family history and lieu and season of birth on the risk of schizophrenia. New England Journal of Medicine 340 (1999) 603-8. OBrien, Patrick. The Disordered Mind. New island of Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978. Rund, Bjorn Rishovd. How do neuroleptics affect cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia? Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 53.2 (1999) 121-125. Stephenson, Joan. Schizophrenia researchers striving for early detection and intervention. Journal of the American medical examination Association 281.20 (05/26/99) 1877. Swartzendruber, Phil. Mainstreaming the marginalized. Printed in The Record (April 2, 1998). http// drop/1997-98/April2-1998/mainstream.html. Exploring Schizophrenia Essay example -- Research Paper Mental DisordeExploring SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is a cruel disease. The lives of those affected are often chronicles of constricted experiences, muted emotions, missed opportunities, unfulfilled expectations. It leads to a twilight existence, a twentieth-century unde rground man...It is in fact the single biggest blemish on the face of contemporary American medicine and social services when the social history of our era is written, the plight of persons with schizophrenia will be recorded as having been a national scandal. E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., Surviving SchizophreniaI personally dont know anyone with schizophrenia, or at least I dont think I do. Perhaps I dont realize that my neighbor is walking through life with a secret, like the homosexual who, afraid of societys unfounded prejudice, confusion, and doubts over issues not talked about, remains silent. For this reason, my interest in schizophrenia developed not because I have been affected by the disorder in a direct (or even indirect) way, but precisely because I havent. I havent because mental disorders are not something discussed over coffee. In our society schizophrenia isnt everybodys problem, and so most are content not to think and consequently not to do anything about it. My concer n with schizophrenia stemmed from the unknown thus it was fitting that my search to discover facts about it steadily uncovered more gray areas. What are the causes of schizophrenia? No one knows for certain. The symptoms? They vary. What about treatments? They too have varied throughout history and current treatment differs from case to case. Faced with the frustration of unanswered queries, I began to wonder why I chose this topic. However, that is the nature of scienc... ... Longman Publishers USA, 1997. Keefe, Richard & Philip Harvey. Understanding Schizophrenia. New York The Free Press, 1994. Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB, Westergaard T, et al. Effects of family history and place and season of birth on the risk of schizophrenia. New England Journal of Medicine 340 (1999) 603-8. OBrien, Patrick. The Disordered Mind. New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978. Rund, Bjorn Rishovd. How do neuroleptics affect cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia? Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 53.2 (1999) 1 21-125. Stephenson, Joan. Schizophrenia researchers striving for early detection and intervention. Journal of the American Medical Association 281.20 (05/26/99) 1877. Swartzendruber, Phil. Mainstreaming the marginalized. Printed in The Record (April 2, 1998). http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Effect Conflict Has on People
Good morning teachers and peers, today Im breathing out to discuss conflict, the affects it has on people with examples from twain texts. What is conflict? Conflict is another word for fighting, battling, or struggle. Conflict can be expressed in domainy sorts, such as war, hate, aggression, bullying, and competiveness. Conflict has nix effects on people. Conflict can result in death, mental illness, suicide, and destruction. Conflict is cause by many reasons including differences in values, desires, needs, habits, and wealth. The first text Im going to discuss today is a poem strained Dulce Et Decorum Est by a famous poet named Wilfred Owen. The poem is based on first hand experiences in France, in world war one.The poem describes owens firsthand experience in the front melodic line. The poem is about how going to war for your country is not a noble thing to do, that Dulce et Decorum Est is a lie mentioned in line 27 in stanza 3 meaning it is not a sweet and salutary thing to do. Owen at first thinks that going to war for your country is Dulce Et Decorum Est, Latin for sweet and right, but after he experiences conflict his opinion changes on conflict. The next text Im going to discuss today is a film called Tomorrow when the war began. Tomorrow, when the war began is a 2010 Australian adventure film compose and directed by Stuart Beattie and based on the novel of the same name by John Marsden. Wilfred Owen has written the poem in such a way that it gives the audience the feeling that they are experiencing conflict in the front line and in a similar way to the film. He gives this feeling by pose repetition in the poem like Gas Gas Quick boys In line 9 in stanza 2.By doing this he reinforces to the audience the curse and brutality of conflict. This helps Owen to bring the poem alive and engage the audience. He also gives the feeling by putting imagery in the poem by give tongue to men marched asleep in line 5 in stanza 1 or the white eyes writhin g in his face in line 19 in stanza 3. Owen uses this imagery to express just how oppressive warfare is on the soldiers soul. The film gives that feeling by showing gunfire and explosions for example when Elli the important character blows up a barrel killing multiple soldiers.The film uses this to show how conflict can desensitises people. Conflict is destructive. It will ruin peoples homes, break up their families, destroys peoples boosterships/ relationships and It also breaks people physically and mentally. In the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est, it is outlined very clearly that conflict is destructive, seen by the experiences and the effects it had on the soldiers. In the film however, it does show the destructive nature of conflict but the film also shows how conflict desensitizes people.The film shows this when Elli threatens to kill her friend named Chris for falling asleep on watch. The soldiers in the poem are said to be bent double, like old beggars under sacks in line one, this is a simile that outlines the condition of the soldiers and how bad of an effect it is having on them. It is making them brittle and weak, this shows just how destructive conflict actually is. In the poem it describes how a man is watching his friend die right in front of him after the gas attack.Owen describes this by putting in metaphors, for example as under a green sea, I saw him drowning in line 14. He also uses similes like, floundering like a man in fire or lime in line 12. In the film it shows how peoples homes get torn apart. They show this when the teenaged group get back from a place they call hell, and all their families are gone. Also how they witness one of the characters home getting blown up by a fighter jet. The two texts I down studied are both similar and different in various ways. Both the texts are expressed from a first person view.They both make out us about how negative and destructive conflict actually is. However the poem is told from the front lin e and the film is told from a different sentiment to that extent still tell us how negative conflict is. My personal opinion on conflict is a negative one, after studying these two texts my perspective has changed on conflict. Conflict should be a last resort for resolving matters, not the first. It is simply to destructive for anyone to have a positive view on it. Thank you for listening to my speech and have a nice day.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Two Ways of Seeing a River (1883)
This passage is excerpted from Mark Twains 1883 book Life on the Mississippi, in which he sh bes his experiences as a river steamboat pilot and explores the many facets of the great river. As you read, consider his masterful exercise of language as he reflects on his changing relationship with the river.Now when I had mastered the language of this water and had come to know every trifling feature that bordered the great river as familiarly as I k newfound the earn of the alphabet, I had made a valuable acquisition. But I had lost something, too. I had lost something which could never be restored to me while I lived. All the grace, the beauty, the poetry, had asleep(p) out of the majestic river I still kept in mind a certain wonderful sunset which I witnessed when steamboating was new to me.A considerable expanse of the river was turned to blood in the middle distance the red hue brightened into gold, through which a solitary log came floating, black and conspicuous in one enjoin a long, slanting mark lay sparkling upon the water in another the surface was broken by boiling, tumbling ring that were as many-tinted as an opal where the ruddy flush was faintest was a smooth spot that was covered with graceful circles and radiating lines, ever so delicately traced the shore on our left was densely wooded, and the somber shadow that fell from this forest was broken in one place by a long, ruffled trail that shone kindred silver and high supra the forest wall a clean-stemmed dead tree waved a single leafy bough that glowed like a flame in the unobstructed splendor that was flowing from the sun.There were graceful curves, reflected images, woody heights, soft distances, and over the whole scene, far and near, the dissolving lights drifted steadily, enriching it every passing moment with new marvels of coloring. I stood like one bewitched. I drank it in, in a speechless rapture. The world was new to me and I had never jut outn anything like this at home. But as I have said, a day came when I began to cease from noting the glories and the charms which the moon and the sun and the twilight wrought upon the rivers face another day came when I ceased altogether to note them. Then, if that sunset scene had been repeated, I should have looked upon it without rapture and should have commented upon it inwardly after this fashionThis sun means that we re exit to have wind tomorrow that floating log means that the river is rising, small thanks to it that slanting mark on the water refers to a bluff let down which is going to kill somebodys steamboat one of these nights, if it keeps on stretching out like that those tumbling boils show a dissolving bar and a changing channel there the lines and circles in the slick water over yonder are a warning that that troublesome place is shoaling up perilously that silver streak in the shadow of the forest is the break from a new snag and he has located himself in the very best place he could have found to fi sh for steamboats that tall dead tree, with a single living.Two Ways of Seeing a River ranch, is not going to sound long, and then how is a body ever going to get through this blind place at night without the friendly old landmark? No, the womanise and beauty were all gone from the river. All the value any feature of it had for me now was the amount of usefulness it could furnish toward compassing the safe piloting of a steamboat. Since those days, I have pitied doctors from my heart. What does the lovely flush in a beautys cheek mean to a doctor but a break that ripples above some deadly disease? Are not all her visible charms sown thick with what are to him the signs and symbols of hidden decay? Does he ever see her beauty at all, or doesnt he simply view her professionally and comment upon her unwholesome condition all to himself?And doesnt he sometimes wonder whether he has gained most or lost most by learning his trade? 1. What is Twains argument here? What is his claim? Wha t are his reasons? How does he construct his essay to help the reader be persuaded by his claim? How does he draw connections between the ideas in the first two paragraphs and those in the third? 2. What is the purpose of Twains argument? To explore? Inform? Convince? Meditate or pray? Something else? 3. Twain is known for his beautiful, rich use of language. Find the phrases or images that are the most powerful to you. What tools of stylish language are he using? How do they help make his argument glib?
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Wendell Phillip Speech
Wendell Phillips, a white American abolitionist, used the power of language to his advantage to collaborate an potent speech filled with praises and moving words for the former slave, Haitian general, Toussaint-Louverture. His words reveal an unmistakable abolitionist fervor that screams to Americans to allow African Americans to serve in the military and open their eyes to the oppression of slavery. He attempts to ignite this passion through his zealous attitude, his strategic defense for Louverture, and his fluid progression of ideas. His most telling technique, however, is hidden under the surface in his use of stellar parallel twist and reference to historical allusions. These tools allow him to praise his esteemed subject turn at the same time moving and influencing his audiences.Phillips speech is rich with historical allusions to the ample leaders of our past- leaders who have had a significant impact on our American history. He first juxtaposes his introduction of Louver ture with an input about George Washington, the great American President and military leader. This appeals to American senses as an influential leader is followed up by a Haitian Negro. By placing the two names side by side, Phillips emphasizes a much-intended similarity between the two in terms of greatness. He makes a second juxtaposition when Oliver Cromwell, an important English political leader known for his military skill, is stated parallel to Toussaints. Similar to the juxtaposition to Washington, Phillips looks to dispel the absolute differences between Cromwell and Toussaint and portray them as equals.A second effective mechanic used in Phillips speech is the flawless use of parallel sentence structure throughout the passage. He admires Toussaints action when he forged a thunderbolt and hurled it and follows this assertion by paralleling the Spaniards, French, and English. This structure illuminates how the Haitian successfully challenged each of these great European pow ers and came up victorious. The structure creates a build-up, each one effectively following the next. This syntax adds to the emphasis of Louvertures great accomplishments and puts them in a lighthearted not too far-fetched from those of the great Europeans.Wendell Phillips carefully chosen diction and use of syntax frees the audience of prejudice in debating whether to allow Negroes into the military. He embodies his speech with emotion and power that pushes the idea that Toussaint should be credited along with the other renound leaders. His language moves his audience in a way that contributes to the developing abolitionist fervor that helped the brotherhood win the Civil War. He instills in them the same respect for Louverture as for Washington, the Father of their country and Cromwell, the great military leader. His words were strong enough to bring America as a whole and carried with it so much truth and emotions that people were left with only one thing to do-fight to free the ever-oppressing chains of slavery.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Brian Eno Essay
We all bed that everything has started to change in medical specialty with the preserve technology. What we qualified something really important in medicinal drug in the past, such as history, time and place etc. , today, in a sense, they start to lose their value. Before explaining the idea of Brian Eno, i involve to mention what we discuss before him. Previously, we discussed Benjamin, Gould who supported the opposite sides of unrivaled point and i think the main point of these discussions is the aura of the music has started to destroy with the recording technology, accordingly, time and the place assimilate started to lose their value too.Of course, Brian Eno discussed the time line, while he was mentioning his idea. Brian Eno is an English musician, composer, record producer, music theorist, singer and visual artist. On his essay, Studio as a Compositional Tool, he mentions that an artist can start his composition in a recording studio without having some(prenominal) id ea about creating his knead. In new(prenominal) words, starting a work in scratch , starting a work without an available idea and at this moment the time line appears. If an artist has a specific idea to constrain his work, this idea evolved slowly. So, music comes into exist. In a way, the artist has got a teaching and he knows what he can do, and withal he can guess the finished product before he starts his composition. By this way, two things become important the beginning of the work and the end of the work.Time line becomes important in this style of production. On the other hand, Brian Eno approaches it differently. An artist does not engage to film a specific idea before going to recording studio, he does not have to carry his idea to the future. He can start to create his work with notice its transformations at the very moment in studio. For this idea, people are not able to know what the product lead be in the end. So, the artist has not any concern to assimilate h is work to his idea. The product started progress at the moment and it will end up like that. Trying to create a work with an available idea is different from creating a work without any available idea.According to Brian Eno, people do not have to have a specific idea to create a composition. The beginning of the work can give the artists an idea and they can develop it, transform it while observing its progression. The sounds are changing and when an artist listens them, a new idea can comeinto his mind and he can intervene in it. It goes like this. in that respect is a thing people are not able to know the result of this product, just like life. People born, grow up, while they are developing up, they learn something, they make mistakes and they try to fix them, they try to do not make these mistakes again, these actions continue to happen but they do not know what will happen tomorrow. They do not know what happens next. Time passes, time goes on but where it goes? We do not kn ow. In addition to this, do we have to know? I do not think so.While the classical compositions are formed, the artist has an idea in his mind before forming it and the composition is formed with this direction, this idea. In other words, the artist knows what it is going to be at the end. Apart from that, the artist should know the history of music, he is able to play at least one instrument, he should also know writing scores. So, he should know how to transform his idea into object technically but people do not pauperism this. Of course the artist should know something, he has knowledge about music a little bit, but it is not the however thing to create a composition. The artist also must not have idea about his work before starting his work like how classical compositions work. The artist has no idea about the result of his product when he starts his work without any idea.Because of this situation, he does not have any connection with the past. There are only an artist and a s tudio and this artist tries to produce a product at the moment contrary to classical composition style. Being there at this moment is really important. While mentioning to create a work at the direct moment, there is a painter , who is Jackson Pallock. Of course, he might have idea, when he painted his paintings but if you look at his paintings, you can easily see the action and it is not possible to decide these ideas before starting to paint. The exact moment is more important than the idea at his works. Here comes again this situation Being there at the moment. Just like what Eno is doing. He is also affected by him.In classical composition, we can mention the relation between the artist and the product. There is another thing when an artist started his work with a specific idea, there is a risk to fail because, you have things to compare ,you have chance to compare your idea and your product. But according to Brian Eno, there is no place for failure because, the artist does no t have enough thing to compare, he does not have an idea, he has only product.When classical composition finishes, the instrument and the acoustical environment, the concert hall are also affected the composition. By this way, it is so hard to know exactly the idea of the composer. The performer cannot give the whole step or the environment does not give the same sound. With the recording technology, something has started to change in a good way. In recording studio environment, people have chance to interfere in the acoustic environment. Of course there is certain limits but people are able to do it.Because of this situation, the limits are more bigger than the times before the recording. People are able to change the sounds with the recording tech, they do not have this chance to do it with their acoustic instruments. On the other hand, many people, who have not enough ability to play an instrument, have chance to make music and this is really good development. Just like, what B rian Eno said I can neither read nor write music, i cannot play any instruments. The technology makes it possible, makes the limits more larger, gives a change to come into existence for different music. It is so nice, and it is eccentrical.*Music is all around us, all you have to do is listen. *
Thursday, May 23, 2019
A Christmas Carol (English Coursework)
During 1843 Charles dickens wrote a invigorated A Christmas Carol. The novel was influences by the run into Charles Dickens had of the social divide of the rich and the worthless during the Victorian times. Charles Dickens had a terrible childhood, his family spent sev eonl years in increasing poverty. Dickens was sent to take form long hours in a blacking factory. This was because his father was imprisoned for debt in 1824. Dickens spent ten hours a day adhesive labels on pots of boot blacking. His life was miserable and he was determined to improve the quality of his and those of other slimy people.Crime rates increased dramatically due(p) to poverty and destitution. The memories of these hard times haunted dickens for the rest of his life. He felt bad nearly the neglect of the poor. In a lot of his work he describes the issues with poverty and the social and physical conditions of Victorian London. He compares these conditions to the wealthy, luxurious lifestyles of the up per class to bring awareness of the disgusting standards of living at the overturn terminate of society, so that everyone could be educated on this subject, he even gave public reading of his own work.Londons industrial age helped the UK to become rich and successful. However, this era had affected the country physically, socially, and culturally, because of the establishment of the factory system. Many people began moving to cities in search of a secure job, this lead to a huge step-up in the population. This caused there to be three times more people living in Great Britain at the end of the century than the beginning. The overcrowding resulted in conditions that were knockout and caused an increase in crime and poverty.In London the river Thames was full of sewage and the air was full of soot and pollution. Young children and adults were forced to work 14 hours a day and were paid rock bottom wages even though they were working in life threatening conditions. The poor had no jobs, not seemly food and had a low life expectancy of twenty nine. This was because most people in the bottom end of society were malnourished which was caused by famishment they also couldnt afford healthcare. However, the higher classes made increasing profits at the expense of the poor.The rich took advantage of the poor by forcing them to work long hours in life threatening conditions for little pay. The rich thought the poor were poor because they were lazy and couldnt be bothered to do anything. At the beginning of the novel the commentator is immediately given a negative impression of scrooge being a stingy old man. Dickens emphasises the point by describing peasant with many intelligence agencys that all mean nearly the same Oh but he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinnerThis is effective in showing the lecturer that his desire for money comes before anything else. It shows that hi s number one priority is making as much profit as possible. This makes the reader get the impression that Scrooge is extremely horrible and greedy. When Dickens uses weather to describe Scrooge he makes him sound as horrible as possible, a man who has no feelings. External heat and cold has little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather coolness him. Dickens suggests that no weather has an affect on him whether its cold or hot.Scrooge is much too cold hearted to be affected by anything or anyone, no matter what time of year. Scrooge is presented as being unattractive and having no emotions. The cold within him froze his old features, this makes the reader think the cold from inside him has made him ugly on the outside. This rendering of Scrooge is made even more unpleasant when it is compared to that of Scrooges cheerful nephew. When Scrooges nephew, Fred comes to wish Scrooge a merry Christmas Scrooge replies by saying, what reason do you have to be merry?T his shows the reader that Scrooge has no respect for his nephew. It is also ironic as he thinks no poor person has anything to be merry about, But he is rich and miserable. He, like many of the rich at that time believed the poor are poor because they are lazy. When two men come to Scrooge to ask for money to give to charity he replies, I dont make merry myself at Christmas, and I cant afford to make idle people merry. This shows that scrooge is hard-hearted and doesnt see the poor as people but sees them as a problem.Scrooge thinks that the poor should be left to die to decrease the population as there was overcrowding in London at the time this novel was written. If they would rather die Said Scrooge, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. The miserable and gloomy mood of Scrooge is further emphasised by Dickens use of pathetic fallacy. The fog comes pouring in at every chink and keyhole The houses opposite were mere phantoms. The use of pathetic fallacy cre ates a dull atmosphere which matches the atmosphere created by Scrooge.The use of the word Phantoms creates an even spookier atmosphere. It is almost as if what ever Scrooge is feeling he will make the same atmosphere and weather as he is feeling. In stave three Dickens describes the Market Place and the poor offset of town both give a different impression to the reader. There were great(p) round potbellied baskets of chest nuts, shaped like the waistcoats of jolly old gentleman, By Dickens using this simile it makes the reader think of father Christmas because he is often described as being happy and joyful.This is effective in showing that people dont have to be rich to be joyful. This description of the foodstuff place is made even more cheerful when compared to the miserable and unpleasant, poor part of town which is shown to be a depressing and disheartening place to live. The description of the poor part of town is shown as being even more unattractive, The people half nake d, drunken, slipshod, ugly. The comparison between the cheerful market place and the poor part of town is really important because it shows how the rich people live and how depressing the lives of poor people are.This is effective in showing people how well-fixed they are compared to the poor peoples lifestyles. Victorian society is reflected as being greedy and non-caring and also shows the massive social divide between the rich and the poor. By the end of the novel Scrooge has completely transformed from being a bitter and miserable old sinner into a more cheerful and energetic immature man. He used to be, A squeezing, wrenching, clutching, covetous, old sinner whereas at the end of the novel he describes himself as, I am as light as a feather. I am as happy as a school boy, I am as giddy as a drunken man.A merry Christmas to everybody This description of Scrooge shows that he is no longer a grumpy old man and now has changed into a much more modern and jolly man. He no long er thinks that he is better than all poor people and that poor people cant be merry. In this section of the novel there is a lot of exclamation marks and short sentences used to show that he is peaking excitedly, this enhances the fact that he is in a happy and desirous mood. This use of short sentences and exclamation marks almost makes Scrooge sound younger.In my opinion A Christmas Carol is really effective in informing the reader of the social divide between the rich and the poor during Victorian times. I think that the book would have been good at informing the rich about the appalling living standards of the poor par of town. There was no other way for the rich people to find out about this because they had never been to this part of the town. I think that Charles Dickens was trying to make everyone aware of the poverty and overcrowding the poor people were going done, he was emotionally attached because he had been through this for most of his childhood and early adulthood.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea â⬠A Comparison of Theme Essay
Jane Eyre and unsubtle Sargasso Sea are both excellent pieces of written work that look for the theme of racial identity and social class. In Jane Eyre, Jane struggles with her identity as a governess for blue-blooded children. As a governess, she is expected to be take on in the stylus that aristocratic people do. She was required to act with class and sophistication. At the same time, she was still considered a paid employee and tracked as such. In addition, Jane had no money or power to change her situation. Jane struggled with the issue of social class because she was expected to act as if she was a member of the upper class while creation treated as a member of the lower class. Half of them detestable and the rest ridiculous, and all incubi (Chapter 17).Racial identity plays a role in Wide Sargasso Sea that is similar to the struggle that Jane experienced in Jane Eyre. Antoinette struggles in this book because she is an outcast in Jamaica. One reason is because she wears di fferent fashions than that of the former(a) women who cognize in Jamaica. Antoinette isnt a part of either the duster group or the black group and hears others call her a white cockroach as well as tell her that she isnt the same as real white people (Part 1, Section 1).In addition, Antoinette and her mother do not treat black servants badly as many of the other islanders do. They realize how much the black servants help them in their daily lives and respect them. This further highlights the differences between Antoinette and the other people who live on the island and makes it even more difficult for Antoinette to assimilate herself into either the white culture or the black culture.The desire to be get by and accepted is another major theme throughout both Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea. In Jane Eyre, Jane longs for acceptance and the feeling of belonging. She also likees for romantic love to flummox her way. To gain some real affection from you, or Miss Temple, or any other whom I truly love, I would willingly submit to have the bone of my arm broken, or to let a bull toss me, or to stand behind a kicking horse, and let it dash its hoof it at my chest (Chapter 8).This quote shows the desperation that Jane felt in her desire to be accepted and loved. As a governess, she was responsible for the well being of aristocratic children and also required to behave in an aristocratic fashion. However, she was still treated like a servant rather than valued for her contribution to the lives of the children. She desires romantic love as well but realizes that a relationship with Rochester will only result in her becoming a mistress rather than an equal partner.In Wide Sargasso Sea Antoinette also wishes to be loved and accepted the way she is. She is a white Creole who grew up in a Caribbean gild and she doesnt fit in to either the white culture or the black culture. This is why she feels very isolated and unloved. This doesnt mean she doesnt wish to be a part of some group. She struggles to fit in because of her fashion sense as well as her operose personality. She struggles further because of her racial background. She is white but she is a white Creole rather than a white European and this further emphasizes the differences she feels.Both novels explore the themes of race and class along with the strong desire to be accepted regardless. Jane and Antoinette both portray women desperate to overcome their social or racial identity in order to find a place in society where they fit in. They both struggle with their current situations and wish to make some changes. Jane wants to be respected for her work as a governess and loved at the same time.Antoinette wants to be loved and respected regardless of her racial background. These are powerful themes that show readers how natural the basic human take of acceptance and love really is and how far and to what lengths people will go to attain it. Finally, both women work very hard to overcome the life experiences that generate them feeling entrapped in order to find true happiness.Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York Mass Market Paperback, 2003.Rhys, Jean. Wide Sargasso Sea. New York Norton, W. W. & Company Inc, 1982.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Organizational Levels
1) victimization the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 1 Key Players (Stakeholders) and Business Ideas (Purpose). Which leading Challenge response is most sequester Establishing, Refining, or Monitoring? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. In my opinion refining is the most appropriate leadership gainsay for the above scenario. growing superior graphic design products and services through Innovation, team study and leadership is Listos mission. Due to the expansion of the company teamwork and leadership have been affected most.New employees be less trained thus, they lack proper leadership quality. People in habit of working for a small company where they knew each and everyone suddenly had to work for a large company where their opinions and values were not concerned. Thus keeping in mind of these situations refining in management is required in Listo to reach its mission. 2 )Using the above scenario, consider Organiza tional Level 2 Entity (Culture) and Strategy (Mission). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate Defining, Shaping, or Publicizing?Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response Listos mission is to develop superior graphic design product through innovation, teamwork and leadership. Due to sudden commute in the management, employees adaptation in the new environment has been difficult. So shaping the management as per the companys mission is the appropriate leadership challenge response 3) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 3 Departments (Units) and Key Results (Success Factors). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate Involving, Facilitating, or communication?Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Communicating is the appropriate leadership challenge response for the above scenario. Addition of new layers to the hierarchy creates new chain of mountain s of commands which results confusion. So proper communication channels should be established regarding the new management system. 4) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 4 Teams (Groups) and Goals (Objectives). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate Focusing, Unifying, or Connecting?Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Connection of new hires with the previous employees is required for the team to curb towards achieving goals. If the employees are connected with each other than by implementing motivation theories they can be made unified and focused so priority should be inclined in connecting people. 5) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 5 Individuals (People) and Tasks (Jobs). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate Enabling, Engaging, or Empowering?Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Empowering the employees is th e best option for the above case scenario. Increase in the turnover rates and absent leaves suggests that employees have lost their energy and fondness working for the company. One of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of concern management has shown towards the employees. Empowering employees makes them feel of importance and the fact company giving them an important responsibility generates a desire and passion to fulfill the task effectively.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Creating a Positive Classroom Environment Essay
A schoolroom should be one of inquiry and open-mindedness. In order to foster a carve uproom of assimilators who feel comfortable asking questions and be open to some otherwise students ideas it is imperative to bring into being a positive, prophylactic environs and training community. I believe that students should feel equivalent their classroom has high expectations, in how ein truthone treated each other, and in how learning took place. Creating a classroom environment where all(prenominal) students feel emotionally and physically safe comme il faut to take risks is a real altercate and one that is worthy of the time it requires.The key to an inquiry-based curriculum is a safe, positive learning environment, therefore, it is lay downational that the instructor operate to provide, establish, and maintain that throughout the year. In the classroom, the teacher should be on the job(p) on counsels to develop a positive learning community by fathering out more abou t my students. For example, each student should fill out a Who Am I questionnaire so that the teacher mass get to befool their students personalities, hobbies, likes and dislikes and therefore include them in lectures, discussions and explanations through out the year.The teacher should also pledge in differentiated instruction in my classroom so that he/she can tailor precise lessons to fit different viewpoints, and abilities of students. This is also a demonstration of c atomic outlet 18 and respect for students as they see their teacher nonice trusted aspects about their learning or personalities and tailors their instruction to meet their needs. One of the ways I would engage in differentiated instruction is by passing around the room and constantly be available to assist students.By offering them one-on-one assistance I can better bore where their personal understanding and misconceptions are and tailor my teaching to them differently than I would to the class as a w hole. In order to maintain a positive classroom environment, a teacher must ingestion the ability to soak up quick decisions and to be flexible in the classroom. The teacher needs to make decisions and adjustments to grow the student motivation, engagement, and productive shit. One way I would make adjustments when there are issues in the classroom hindering the productive learning community is to create a natural seating chart.I find that this human action is often intaked enough to nip any potential social problems in the develop and leads a message to students that if they want to sit with their friends, they need to earn the privilege. You would be surprised with how a new seating chart for the class can affix productivity and engagement in core domain content instead of social life study. In a science classroom, experiments and lab work are an important way for students to engage in the content. All students in the class should work on labs at the same time with min imal supervision.The teacher must also be cognizant of how the resources of time, space, activities and attention are allocated to students throughout the short hour that they are in class. However, there are more traditional dodge for lab work. The difference comes in how many materials you have for certain labs, how much time it takes for each free radical of students to complete the experiment, and how tricky the directions are. Deciding which method to employ for a given lab and analyzing the classroom environment to decide which will work best in a given situation.In the Collier County condition District it is acceptable to have up to 30 students in each classroom. It is difficult in this character reference of environment for students to feel that they are an important member of the learning community. I found that it was easy for certain students to disengage from activities and it was hard for the teacher to pick up on their lack of involvement because of the sheer number of other students in the room. Therefore, I thought up of an activity that would give the teacher time to walk around to individual students and check their understanding of the material.This lesson was an ACT preparation lesson where the students would be functional on report organized essays by finding a thesis statement, supporting it and including evidence from newspaper articles. I found that students would initially be hesitant to show their work to the teacher, alone when they saw that the teacher would be deviation around to ein truthone at their table they became less nervous and more open to share their problems with understanding. When observing a classroom, one student even remarked as the teacher came to her, I dont eff what Im doing. She was a student that has never raised her hand to ask for help, but with the teachers inevitable stretch she was open to telling her teacher she did not understand. This showed me that if the teacher had not gone around to individ ual students she would not have told her teacher she did not understand. In order for a classroom to become a learning community it is important that it is organized, and meets clear standards of stockpile.An environment in which students are assuming responsibility, participating indecision-making, working collaboratively and independently, and engaging in purposeful learning activities that use higher order thinking skills and are all pieces of smoothly functioning learning communities.The first lesson that I would present to the class in the fall would be attempting to engage students in a purposeful learning activity that asked them to think deeply about the issues of a the subject that they are in class for. The students would first work together as a class and then the students work individually to show understanding.They were active members of the activity so they had a hand in the decision-making and therefore could assume some ownership and responsibility for the success o f the activity. A strategy for engaging students in purposeful activities that promote higher order thinking that is often used in classrooms is asking students to work in pairs to create a concept map from a list of content words. By working in pairs students are collaboratively building understanding and taking responsibility for their own learning plus their assistants.As mentioned above, in order to have a smoothly functioning learning environment, clear standards of conduct must be established and enforced within the classroom. In order for students to feel safe enough to ask questions, engage in inquiry activities and take risks in their learning. They must feel secure and know that their teacher has clear standards of conduct that will be enforced. The first day of school is a very important day for establishing the standards of conduct that all students are expected to delineate.It is also important that student demeanor is monitored in a preventative way. One way is by a sking a student who is very high-energy and can become disruptive to do small tasks during the hour to keep him engaged, such as feeding the class fish, or putting up the class grade sheet. This particular student can be disruptive and cause problems with other classmates, but with the teacher keeping him engaged when she sees him getting off-task, she is signal to him that she notices him and has her eyes on his actions.This has been a successful strategy in keeping him out of trouble. However, all issues in a classroom cannot be prevented. Things do sometimes happen despite the best efforts of the teacher to create a safe learning environment. For example, say that you, the teacher had an incident in your classroom where two pistillate students got very angry with each other and yelled loudly and violently at each other and refused to stop. This behavior is very upsetting to the teacher and to the class.And to be successful in resolving the situation, you just have to remove the two students from the class and separate them. In this situation it was important to thoroughly pick up the pieces after the incident was over. This is a very helpful way for a teachers peace of mind and tho ability to create a safe learning environment. The teacher should also have individual dialog with the students that created the problem. One student in particular would most likely have a very changed berth about the class after the incident.In order to bring her back to being her enthusiastic self, the teacher should have a one-on-one talk with her, which greatly improved her attitude towards the class. One of the things that would help you to act appropriately when the incident happened in the classroom was the established standards of conduct and consequences that occur if students do not follow the standards. One way to foster students ability to engage in dialogue and argumentation and develop the linguistic communication of thinking is to participate in Socratic semi nars in class.Socratic seminars offer a tangible, engaging way for students to develop both ethics and critical thinking, actively and cooperatively. A discussion technique that I would use in my classroom would be an ethical discussion based on the merits and problems with new transmitted test that is available. Students engaged in small groups, then in the king-size session to discuss their opinions about genetic testing, based on a text they had all read. In order to help the discussion stick civil and productive, I used an ethical discussion framework that was very helpful.In a large classroom of 30 students it is often difficult to make time to meet with students individually to discuss their occur, but it is an important part of teaching that time must be allocated for. Therefore, a lesson plan that can provide the teacher to talk with students individually about an essay they had pen. Lets just say that while students were in the subroutine library Center working on A CT preparation tests the teacher then would be able to make time to talk with students individually about the strengths and weaknesses of their essays and what specific things to keep in mind when writing their following(a) essay.This lesson shows a good allocation of time and attention so that students could take away concrete information from the lesson about what they need to work on with their writing and they also saw that their teacher cared about their progress enough to plan a special meeting with them. This one-on-one discussion time between teacher and student is something I do not see a lot of in school and I feel it is very important to include meaningful time talking with each student.In a science classroom it is very important that resources be used appropriately to help promote in-depth, inquiry-based understandings of content. I include it here to demonstrate how helpful it is for teachers to keep up-to-date on literature that is being written on the topics they are teaching. Through reading academic literature they can gain new ideas and insights on how to use technology effectively in their classroom in order to enhance learning and the classroom environment. Creating a positive classroom environment is a very important aspect of effective teaching.In a teachers student teaching placement it has been a priority for to establish and maintain a safe and positive environment where all students can grow, inquire, and learn. I feel strongly that a classroom should forever and a day be a safe one for students physically. At times there are going to be things said between students that cannot make it emotionally safe, but you, the teacher can always deal with the issues to send a strong message that your classroom is not a place to come down on peers.I do feel I have more to learn about enacting a adjust inquiry-based classroom, however. And I know that there are going to be times and lessons where I believe students should be actively involved i n inquiry-based projects and if so, I would be very proud of them for their efforts. However, I would like to increase the times that this occurs and make my classroom into a place where students know they are going to question, explore and learn, and not just another stop on their school day schedule.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Change Management Plan
This document provide cover Riordan Manufacturings current circumspection end and the new proposed plan. It provide also cover how the management plans on changing this plan over the next 12 months. Change Management Plan Riordan Manufacturing is a comp whatever which operates its official system like a bureaucracy. any division has a double-decker and that manager responds to their manager who indeed reports to the president and CEO Dr. Michael Riordan. The bureaucracy is established like a matrix system. Every division consists of those who perform specific telephone lines. Every division has their own selective informationrmal systems.These informal systems be created by building working associations collectively. Riordan motivates both worker to report any problems that they may countenance at a time to their supervisor. This lets every worker, as stated in Riordan Manufacturings Worker Handbook, Our experience has demonstrated that when workers deal openly and direc tly with disposition, the work atmosphere can be fantastic, interactions can be obvious and attitudes can be optimistic. By opening up the door to open interaction with all administration it improves worker behavior since they are capable to pick out their values and problems.When workers are motivated to express themselves freely it increases the dedication to the organisation and increases excogitate satisfaction. Although Riordan Manufacturing desires to apply a fresh client administration method, Riordan Manufacturing essential nurture on to adopt the matrix coordinate which they amazely film set up. By setting up a fresh client administration system it will let every place be capable to assess the info for every client regardless of what place they would be at.Maintaining the existing matrix system will let and reach out to improve team attempts to develop the complete work which is expected from every division. Riordan Manufacturing is a elastics production boldn ess which employees more than 500 individuals. They have formations in Albany, Georgia, Pontiac Michigan, Hangzhou, China, and San Jose, California where their company head way is located. Riordan items contain plastic swallows cans, customized plastic components, and plastic fan components.Their major clients are auto and plane component producers, soft drink producers, Department of Defense, and appliance producers. Worker conduct affects how they work and react to their work, managers, and clients. The company tradition at Riordan contains equity, confidence, commitment, have an inventive and team work atmosphere, impairment accommodations, performance assessments, worker rewards for example 401K, academic help, health and vitality insurance, respect vacations, honor vacations, assistance with day care, and employees compensation insurance coverage.Riordan seems to be a production organization which tries to be bonk a choice for their clients rather than being a problem to th eir clients. Although this organization might be a great organization they just like any other producer have issues that must(prenominal)iness be tackled together with limitings which might influence the organization for the organization to remain in the loop with present economy problems. Some workers cant discern with alteration and they may become unwilling.Some workers avoid adaptation is because of the wishing of knowledge regarding the limiting, comfort, personal private views, lack of confidence. However, even though the workers are being resistive, the administrators are intending to cope with the opposition and assist workers cope with the adjustment more efficiently. Administrators may apply the modification by impartation clearly, being straightforward, and acknowledging their worries together with acknowledging and respecting the workers. Administrators may rovide reinforces and support by letting workers to meet with them face to face with regards to the modif ication or the worker could benefit from some additional coaching. Administrators might place the resistive workers with somebody who is already using the modification, therefore the worker that is not adjusting will see a confident and administrators may farm certain they have set some verifiables to make sure the success of the modification was worthwhile and advantageous. qualifying is a part that needs constant and continuous quality of improvements.During the months administrators must be sure that the modification they pull in place keep growing and continue to remain payoffive. Administrators can perform this by applying reaction to areas which are in danger, continue to make refer with their workers whether it is through phone, email, individual to individual, text messaging, or memo. Safety precautions will also continue to be managed and improve, and when the economy changes medical care in the organization might accommodate employees requirements.Staff and administr ation attitudes will remain optimistic, involve your workers, care for their views, ideas, thoughts, continue to provide training sessions, set objectives and goals (praising the workers might be a plus), and encourage inspiration in which this will let the workers to be more devoted. Administrators may assess achievement by viewing how the organization modifies that went into effect is up and running, organization numbers/sales havent decreased, and workers are producing good results. To assess failure it would be the sum reverse, however what would it be to assess.In case the organization is failing or havent seen any growth then they must put forth one more change. Communication Plan When modification is introduced in the office it may also bring opposition from workers. This opposition arises from a modification in routines, anxiety most the unfamiliar, a reduction in a sense of safety, or even a danger to associations to advert a few. While developing an interaction to worke rs, administration must try to train regarding the modification as well as contact as many employees as is possible.Doing so will likely slenderise the opposition from workers and let approval of the modification. institution must pick a type of interaction to convey administration modification at Riordan Manufacturing which will reach all workers with the equivalent data. In this situation the ruff way to contact the most workers is to utilize a mix of a memo and e-mail. In these types of interactions, administrators must express why the modification is essential, what the modification will bring to the company, and develop a fresh mission.Describing the modification to workers will train them on why the modification must be made and provide them perceptiveness into the unfamiliar. The new administration mission will assist create company tradition that workers can procure into. Using a memo and e-mail is the most efficient way to convey the modification to the workers. This technique additionally permits the identical information to be sent. The information being sent is vital in vow that workers arent getting different info regarding the modification. While transmitting the message to workers, some hurdles might come up.Some workers might not read the message that will lead them to be unaware. Administrators must contact front line supervisors to make sure that all workers have read the message. A read acknowledge may also be linked to the e-mail to make sure that workers are getting the email. The information found in the message must also help the modification in a irresponsible manner. Some workers might take the information as a bad modification that will sharpen opposition. Team conferences must take place in order that supervisors can go over the fill in the memo and e-mail.These conferences will let supervisors to deal with any queries regarding the modification and put the workers relaxed. Conveying modification is a vital method utilize d to permit the change to be finished properly and keep worker spirit. Conveying modification in the office is essential to reduce opposition among employees. This interaction must try to train workers regarding the modification to assist put the employees relaxed. This information must be created in a manner to reach all workers with the same message in order that all workers are receiving the same info.Conveying modification in an efficient manner will probably enhance approval of modification and maintain the company tradition unchanged. Valued Employees of Riordan Manufacturing The organization has made a decision to apply a client administration method which will permit you to easily monitor our clients. Administration knows that we have put great accountability on you to manage client info and wish to provide you the methods to do this job more efficiently. This info might be better more effective when we keep it in a uniformed style and saved in a convenient location.By apply ing this method we are allowing the info to be easily available to all workers and will get rid of any requirement for developed searching. We know that info, if not saved correctly will get lost, and we dont want to endanger the client associations which you have worked so carefully to maintain. Formalized training will be given to all workers prior to execution. Our objective is to ensure that you are happy using the latest program before its put into use. We have created a formalized coaching agenda for following week to make sure everybody has had time to see, work, and know the program.Administration knows that knowing latest method is a difficult job, however we are assured you will plug-in the advantage of this latest program. We thank you all for your persistence and assistance. Please contact your immediate supervisor with any queries or problems. Thank You, Riordan Manufacturing Management This document has successfully explained the new management plan and a plan on how the management is going to convey that message to their employees. After reading everything the reader should have a better grasp on what the management is doing and when the changes are going to be implemented.References Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2011).Organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper appoint River, NJ Pearson/Prentice Hall. https//
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Nothing Lasts Forever: Critical Analysis of Ozymandias
Nothing Lasts Forever A youthful Critical Analysis of Ozymandias. Throughout the history of man, there has always been a select few who give care for immortality. They build awe-inspiring kingdoms, erect massive statues, all in all in a vain effort to retire from their mark on the world. None of them has been successful, thus far, and Ramesses II is no exception. In the poesy Ozymandias, by Percy Bysshe Shelley, a traveler shares his experience at the site of a statue depicting Ramesses II. The statue has fallen into disrepair at the hands of the acetous environment, as well as the eroding process of succession.At first reading, the text presents itself as a song about the withering away of a once great statue. However, through the use of imageism, setting, diction, and irony, the verse form reveals that opus men may strive for immortality, the true king of kings (line 11) is Time. Legs on the human body are needed for motion and balance, but they also act as an importan t symbol of Ramesses IIs kingdom. Without these replicate apparatuses, the human body is incapable of moving forward. In this respect, the two vast and trunkless legs of stone (line 2) found bodiless in the verse form symbolize the overthrow of Ozymandiass empire by Time.Without legs on which to stand, his kingdom has baffled its momentum and has subsequently been devoured by the sand. In addition, the top half of the statuethe head and part of the torsois move in the sand half sunk (line 4). As with the legs, the positioning of the head and torso is symbolic. Ozymandias is gazing at the sky, expression up what remains of his decimated kingdom, a wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command (line 5) on his face. To look up to someone else is to acknowledge their position of authority over other(a)s.Through the positioning of the statue, Ramesses II is acknowledging that Time has conquered him. His empire has been decrease to dust, claimed by the littoral of Time. The poem descri bes the setting as boundless and bare/The lone and level sands stretch far away (line 13-14), which amplifies Times dominance as a theme. What is a depopulate? To the unknowing reader, it is nothing more than a large sandbox. With the exception of sand and rocks, its an empty, dead land. However, when compared to other terrains, such as a forest or ountain range, it is surprisingly uncomplicated. In Ozymandias, the harsh environment and strict terrain is a symbol of brutal honesty. Humans are poorly tolerated in deserts, and should a man purpose to build his empire in one, he impart be faced with brutal honesty and will be tested. The choice of location is just as crucial to the theme as the location itself. Since the statue is in its original environment, over taken by the harsh winds and buried in the sand, and not preserved behind a film over miscue, it argues against Ozymandiass immortality.Rather than be displayed for others to learn and respect his accomplishments, the r emains of his kingdom have been left behind, deemed useless and undesirable by the world. Had the traveler viewed the remains of the statue in a museum, Times purpose in the poem would have taken on a whole new meaning. Given the state of his later meets, Ozymandiass words Look at my works, ye Mighty, and despair (line 11) are ironic, and the imagery of his former kingdom proves that Time has conquered him. When the traveler recounts his visit to the antique land (line 1), he describes a landscape that is covered in sand.A statue is a symbol of longevity and permanence. Its appearance, if well-maintained, does not wane or deteriorate, forever capturing the beauty and magnificence of the subject for which it was created. Such is the case with Michelangelos David, which has only put outd to thrive because it is maintained. However, there are no servants remaining to tend to Ramesses IIs statue, no one to remember his legacy. The statue of Ozymandias has broken in half, and the head lays on the ground penny-pinching by. Nothing beside remains (line 12) the traveler explains, noting the decay/Of that colossal wreck (lines 12 13).Can the King of kings legacy continue without proof that it ever truly existed? No, it cannot, which means the words scripted on the pedestal have taken on an entirely different meaning. It is not Ozymandias that the Mighty should fear, but the true King of kingsTime. Times empire is in actuality the thing that is boundless (line 13), not the kingdom of Ozymandias, which had a time limit all along. The diction choices in the sonnet are very specific, particularly those describing the statue, and they serve to reflect Ramesses IIs downfall. The raveler describes the statue as being on the sand/Half sunk (line 3-4), which is often interpreted to mean that the statue is buried halfway in the sand. Considering the ironic words engraved on Ozymandiass statue, the word sunkthe recent participle of the word sinktakes on a different meaning. What is sand, and more importantly, how does it relate to the theme of the poem? When used in conjunction, sand and Time make up an hourglassthe universal symbol of time. The sand surrounding the statue is not merely a mass accumulation of sedimentary rock, but a symbol for the sands of Time, a term given to the inside of an hourglass.The statue, as well as the kingdom has been devoured by Time. some other few centuries, and the last remnants of Ramesses IIs empire will fall through the hourglass completely. Furthermore, line four continues with a shattered visage lies (line 4). When something is shattered, it is almost impossible to reassemble them. Even a shattered subdivision takes months to heal properly, and it is never quite the same from then on. The shattered visage (line 4) spoken of in the poem isnt just Ramesses IIs statue it is his legacy that has been broken. The empire that he had created, the one that he was so sure would endure, has collapsed.The hubris of kings is pride and the desire for immortality. Unfortunately, as Shelleys poem demonstrates, Time is not something that can be manipulated. With his death, Ramesses IIs empire came to a standstill, but Time continued to move and ultimately overthrew the pharaoh. Time is the true King of kings. Through the use of symbolism, setting, diction, and irony, Shelley proves that humans are finite beings and nothing lasts forever. Works Cited Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Ozymandias. lit Reading and Writing with Critical Strategies. Ed. Steven Lynn. Pearson-Longman. New York City. 2004. 618 619. Print.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Competency, Alliance Building, and Character
Competency is technically defined as the behaviors that employees must(prenominal) let or must obtain to input into a situation to be able to complete high levels of performance (Le deist et. al., 2005). Alliance Building, on the an otherwise(prenominal) hand, is technically defined as the ability to work with other members of the workforce (Competency.., n.d.). Explaining further, an employee should be able to 1) exhibit capabilities within the assembly 2) respect or value other co-employees or co-workers in spite of cultural and individual differences 3) assume multiplicity of tasks and functions while working with other people 4) listen, contribute ideas, show inventiveness, acknowledge other peoples inputs/involvement/contribution 5) identify and describe group responsibilities 6) accept constructive criticisms 7) distinguish conflict8) utilize conflict management skills including identification of conflict, knowing the issues, victorious into consideration other employees points of view, thinking of solutions, brainstorming the results, explaining the resolution process appropriate to the job, justification of the option selected, coating of the choice picked, as well as, reflecting on the result/effect 9) etc (Competency.., n.d.). Character, however, technically refers to the positive characteristics that an employee should possess to be able to carry out his or her task and functions subtlely (Competency.., n.d.). These positive characteristics include the following(a) 1) confidence 2) willingness to accept responsibilities 3) potential of working realistically 4) ability to develop great beliefs consequently reflecting an excellent character 5) capacity to relate with other employees who show signs of character 6) honesty 7) tolerance 8) wisdom 9) altruistic service 10) hardworking 11) concerned with others and not just himself or herself (Tartaglia, 1999).Competency, alliance building, as well as, character contribute largely to success (Tart aglia, 1999). All the aforementioned are chooseed in order for a person to imitate in any given endeavor (Tartaglia, 1999). Let us take for instance, in the workplace, specifically in a restaurant, an employee should possess competency so that he or she will be able to perform at his or her best (Tartaglia, 1999). He or she should eer strive to cook and serve the best dishes (Tartaglia, 1999). Furthermore, alliance building should also be included in his vocabulary, because if for instance, he or she feels that he or she is always right or blames/resents others, he or she is intent or intolerant, he or she is a fault-finder, then he or she does not have the capability to work with others (Tartaglia, 1999).In addition to that, if he or she has excuse for e genuinely mistake or failure he or she commits, then he or she does not have the character to make it or to succeed in his or her chosen endeavor (Tartaglia, 1999). Similarly, if he or she is dishonest, as well as, if he or she is unwilling to go the extra mile to serve others, for instance, he is entirely willing to work during his or her schedule and does not voluntarily help others especially if he or she feels that his or her work is already done for the day, then he or she does not have the character needed to succeed in his or her chosen career (Tartaglia, 1999).Another field where competency, alliance building, and character is necessitated is in the inquiry Consultancy Firm (Tartaglia, 1999). Here researchers should have competency to perform very well this in not only to keep their jobs but to be promoted as well (Tartaglia, 1999). They should be able to satisfy their clients with their research works, and so competency is sincerely required (Tartaglia, 1999). Alliance building is also important in the Research Consultancy Firm, for instance, the researchers need statisticians to do statistical analysis for them to be able to complete their research works so they really need to be flexible en ough to work with others (Tartaglia, 1999). Last but not least, doing research takes a lot of time, energy, and patience, thus character is needed in order to succeed in it (Tartaglia, 1999). Also, since satisfaction of clients is very important in this field, it is important that researchers learn to accept constructive criticisms, negative feedback, and great understanding to be able to improve, if not perfect, their work (Tartaglia, 1999).ReferencesCIPD. (2007). Competency and Competency Frameworks. Retrieved September 1, 2007 fromhttp// Performance Standard for Ability to performance with Others. (n.d.). RetrievedSeptember 1, 2007 fromhttp// DEIST, F.D. and WINTERTON, J. (2005). What is competency? Human ResourceDevelopment International, 8(1), 27-46.Tartaglia, L.A. (1999). The Seven Marks of Character. Retriev ed September 1, 2007 fromhttp//
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Zeno of Elea
1. There fuel be no creation, for being cannot come from non-being, because a thing cannot arise from that which is different from it.Eleatics school2. Explain why for Zeno, plurality is impossible.3. Is thither a possibility of effect in the world of essence? why?4. Why is nous inevitable in the dynamic placement of the universe?5. Differentiate love from strife discuss their roles in the cosmological balance.6. Ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros.Fire is the test of notes adversity, of strong men.7. For what prevents us from saying that the happy life is to have a spirit that is free, lofty, fearless and sozzled a mind that is placed beyond the reach of fear, beyond the reach of desire, that counts virtue the only good, contemptibility the only evil, and all else but a worthless mass of things, which come and go without increasing or diminishing the highest good, and neither subtract any bureau from the happy life nor add any part to it?A man thus grounded must, whet her he wills or not, necessarily be attended by unbroken cheerfulness and a joy that is deep and issues from deep within, since he finds delight in his own resources, and desires no joys greater than his inner joys..The concept of creation is an attribute only for God, its beyond human comprehension and account statement of science. I believe that there is one Supreme Being responsible in the creation of the universe, the origination of humans and everything that exist, immaterial or material. This belief of universal oneness or identicalness of being by the eleatics is undeniably wrong we can prove this by looking at these different creatures that exists. Are they the same?Zeno believes that there could not be more than one thing, on pain ofcontradiction. Assume then that there are many things he argues that they are both limited and unlimited, a contradiction.Zeno argues that it is impossible for a runner to traverse a race course. His reason is that motion is impossible, beca use an object in motion must reach the half-way point before it gets to the end Why is this a problem? Because the same argument can be made about half of the race course it can be change integrity in half in the same way that the entire race course can be divided in half. And so can the half of the half of the half, and so on, ad infinitum. So a decisive assumption that Zeno makes is that of outer space divisibility the distance from the starting point to the goal can be divided into an infinite number of parts. Thus the concept of motion by zeno is very miss leading and erroneous.Nous is the most correctly thing in the cosmos (universe) controlling the rotation in our society and all ensouled things. It is inevitable because our mind and intellect has all the judgment and discernment about all thingsLove is responsible for the attraction of different forms of matter, and encounter is cause for their separation. If these elements make up of the universe, then Love and strife e xplain their variation and harmony. Love and Strife are attractive and repulsive forces, respectively, which is plainly observable in human behavior, but also imbue the universe. In other words it preserves the balance of human interaction towards all sorts of humans natural desire.Mistakes are inevitable, and failures are necessary for success Its a fact. Nobody reap their success in life easily, as quoted no pain no gain so dont be afraid to try and failed, it is where we become stronger and a test of a real man.Happiness is the ultimate search of a person. But I believe that everyone should experience also uncertainties in the pursuit of real happiness. Its not only being
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Desertion critic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Desertion critic - Essay ExampleThe study was conducted with a creation that was made up of at-risk adolescent girls in the age group of 11 to 18. The rationale for selecting this group was in the fact that close to of these girls do not have what it takes to make decisions for themselves and so what the messages they get from such multimedia platforms such as music video formed the basis of their actions (Morse & Richards, 2002). Through qualitative info collection, insights were drawn on how the population uses music videos as their source of entertainment, education and information. Part 2 Evaluation of Chapter 2 Literature examine Generally, the literature review was precise and skillfully conducted. The extensiveness of the literature review can be guaranteed in the vogue and manner in which the investigateer drew up themes from the specific objectives of the study to cover all aspects of the look for problem. This is said because the research objectives were constructed out of the research problem. Performing a literature review that covers all the research objectives therefore guarantees extensive coverage of research (Buckingham & Sefton-Green, 2001). What is more, on the depth and breadth of the topic, it could be said once more that using the themes of the research objectives helped in this form of coverage. Indeed, the depth and breadth of the topic were rightly covered without the fatality to go outside the scope of the study was the research objectives continually served as a guide on areas to cover. This notwithstanding, issues of the authoritativeness of the literature review could be raised. For instance even though the research worker makes use of a earnest number of literature sources, there were several cases that the review would be noticed as being subjective rather than objective, based on the findings of the literature exertions being used. Even though the research work was performed in 2005, there were several sources used in the literature review that were way older than the received type of writing the work. In some cases, some of the sources were over a decade old as there were sources quoted from works produced in 1992. This notwithstanding, the researcher was careful with the section of sources and content from the sources such as that exceedingly pertinent contents that were related to the study were used. This made the overall literature review very relevant to the research problem that was at hand. Coupled with the relevance of the literature review, the researcher was careful to properly hang every borrowed material that was not part of her own ingenuity or making. This was d integrity using the APA brass of citation where the surname or surnames of authors and the date of publication were produced. A search through the reference run also showed that for every source that was cited in the literature review, this was properly reflected in the reference call. Whiles writing the list of ref erences also, the researcher was careful to follow the APA style. Part 3 Evaluation of Chapter 3 Methods The overall idea that one gets about the methods section is that the researcher was on top of the data collection process. Ahead of the research methods, the researcher had given a clear hypothesis or personalized reasoning based on which the data collecti
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Evolution Of Primate Locomotion And Body Configuration Essay
The Evolution Of Primate Locomotion And Body anatomy - Essay ExampleIn 1956, while searching through a collection of fossils at the American Museum of Natural History, I came across a weakened piece of forehead bone, identified as a possible primate, that had lain neglected for half a century. It had been recovered from the Fayum badlands, sixty miles southwest of Cairo, Egypt, by an amateur accumulator named Richard Markgraf. The rock in which it was found was known to belong to the geological epoch we c every(prenominal) the Oligocene (now estimated to have lasted from 34 to 23 gazillion years ago). Although except the size of a quarter, the fossil displayed two defining characteristics of the Anthropoidea, or higher primates--the large evolutionary group that includes monkeys, apes, and humans. I could tell that the right and left frontal (forehead) finger cymbals in this small animal were fused along the midline suture into a single bone, as is the case in all the higher pri mates. And on the right side, just enough of the rim of the optic socket was preserved for me to establish that it was fully enclosed in the back by bony plates (the eyeballs of more primary primates ar normally encircled by just a thin bar of bone). uncomplete feature had been previously documented in so old a fossil.Better late than never, the small piece of bone joined a short list of other fossils discovered in the Fayum amid 1906 and 1910 that also appeared to belong to higher primates. The best of the other fossils--both come alongly complete mandibles--belonged to two small species named Parapithecus fraasi and Propliopithecus haeckeli. some(prenominal) have lower molars with anthropoidean features--in particular, they are broad and flat and have five cusps. (Miyamoto 197-220) In addition, Propliopithecus has the same digit of the different types of teeth as other Old World anthropoideans, and the two sides of the lower jaw are solidly fused in concert in the front, a nother important characteristic of higher primates.My interest sparked by these tantalizing finds, I began doing fieldwork in the Fayum more than thirty years ago. Since then, my teams and I have succeeded in fabrication hundreds of additional primate fossils, documenting the presence of football team primate species in Oligocene deposits that are 30 to 33 million years old. The largest of these species, a close relative of Propliopithecus, is Aegyptopithecus zeuxis, a cat-size creature that appears to stand at or near the base of the family tree of the Old World monkeys, apes, and humans. We have collected several skulls and faces of Aegyptopithecus, as well as umteen bones from the rest of its skeleton (see Dawn Ape of the Fayum, Natural History, May 1984).Many of the eleven Oligocene species have anthropoidean features, including the fused frontal bone, enclosed eye socket, lower jaws that are solidly fused together in the front, and the broadened and flattened lower molars wit h five principal cusps. In certain details, the upper molars also correspond those of more recent higher primates. Another anthropoidean characteristic is the manner in which the bony ring circle the eardrum lines the auditory opening at the side of the skull.The eleven species are diverse in many respects, however. By 1985, I had accumulated enough evidence to say that they fell into several different taxonomical families or subfamilies. Given that so much diversity had evolved, I had to conclude that the common ancestor of all the higher primates must go back a long way in Africa.This was only the beginning, however, for in 1983 a Fayum site called Locality 41 had been discovered. Its exposed deposits came from a much deeper layer than those of
Monday, May 13, 2019
Why do you think Fr. Lawton says the journey to be oneself seems the Essay - 3
Why do you think Fr. Lawton says the journey to be oneself seems the riskiest of totally journeys What risks lie ahead in your college career as you embark on th - Essay employmentChoosing friends with a degree of discrimination, such as those who share the same priorities as I is essentially accomplish by the same methodology as in high school. Nervous anticipation is probably the outgo description for the feeling, meeting new people from far-off places, hoping my background either matches or complements theirs. Leaving the contraceptive and structured home-life is the greatest adjustment, at least for me therefore, the most frightening because the pit repays related to the unknown are the largest and easiest to fall into.Everyone knows at least an overview of a similar story which was related to me by my parents on many occasions. galore(postnominal) sine qua non to get as far forth from their parents and home town as possible and others want the security home provides whil e being allowed to make their own choices, in other words, to hurt their cover and eat it to. Finally the day comes when they leave the nest to embark on the great adventure that is life. tight to a person, once they have flown, they lament about the carefree days of childhood when there were no bills to pay, were not forced to discipline themselves and if a problem arose, they could just call mom or dad and they would magically fix it. Instead of having to grudgingly get up every morning to an annoying alarm clock bell and eat cold pizza for eat, as children, mother came in, opened up the drapes then returned as often as need to gently awaken you as the smell of a hot, nutritious breakfast tempted you to life. Freedom is a two-edged sword, a fact of life that is generally shockingly discovered only later on leaving home.Living away from home is great but it has its downsides as well. That first month away from home is truly a liberating feeling. You can to whatever you want on a whim and have to answer to no one. You can eat ice cream for breakfast at the crack of noontide when you wake, come home when the party is over for a change and watch whatever disgusting
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